debbiediscovers / google-app-scripts

My cheat sheet of Google App Script Formulas

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Google App Script Formulas

My cheatsheet of Google App Script formulas

Display a List of Sheet Names

Use this to create an index sheet with a list sheet names. You'll need to copy paste values if you want to edit the list

function sheetnames() {
  var out = new Array()
  var sheets = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets();
  for (var i=0 ; i<sheets.length ; i++) out.push( [ sheets[i].getName() ] )
  return out 

Count Rows in Sheet

Use this to create an index sheet with a list sheet names. You'll need to copy paste values if you want to edit the list


Instagram Hashtags

To count the number of posts per hashtag, use this

=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("k",REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(A7,"//meta[@name='description']/@content"),"(.{1,})(?: Posts)"))),SUBSTITUTE(REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(A7,"//meta[@name='description']/@content"),"(.{1,})(?: Posts)"),"k","")*1000,IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("m",REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(A7,"//meta[@name='description']/@content"),"(.{1,})(?: Posts)"))),SUBSTITUTE(REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(A7,"//meta[@name='description']/@content"),"(.{1,})(?: Posts)"),"m","")*1000000,REGEXEXTRACT(IMPORTXML(A7,"//meta[@name='description']/@content"),"(.{1,})(?: Posts)")*1))


My cheat sheet of Google App Script Formulas