- Dean Pettinga @deanpettinga
- prepare STAR indexes for Arikara and Nebraska
- copies corrected HanXRQr2 genomes into
- makes STAR indexes for each genome for alignments
- raw read QC
- Trim_Galore on paired-end reads (min Quality =20)
- fastQC on each library
- Alignment
- STAR alignment of adapter and quality-trimmed paired end libraries to reference genomes (arikara used for all domesticated samples, nebraska used for all wild samples)
- output are BAM sorted by coordinates, indexed with SAMtools.
- MultiQC
- aggregated results from Trim_Galore (Cutadapt,FastQC) and STAR alignments into one page.
- Differential Expression
- this was edited and run in RStudio, outside of this snakemake automation workflow
- analysis script in
- makes extensive use of
package wrapper functions for differential expression with edgeR. - some paths within this doc refer to local machine directory structure, will need modification to reproduce analysis (in particular, take note when importing STAR counts and STAR alignment metrics)
- makes extensive use of
- the HTML report knitted from the .Rmd will contain the original code in collapsable boxes for reference.