deanonishi / acme_app

ACME's custom application

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RightScale App Tomcat Cookbook


  • Cookbook provides Tomcat application server implementation of the app LWRP.
  • Installs and configures, Tomcat application server.


  • Requires "app" Lightweight resource cookbook or your own implementation of the "app" resource. See "app" cookbook README for details.
  • Requires a VM launched from a RightScale managed RightImage


Please see the metadata.rb file for the latest dependencies.

  • app
  • db_mysql
  • db_postgres
  • repo
  • rightscale


There are no known limitations.


  • Place app_tomcat::setup_server_6 or app_tomcat::setup_server_7 (depending on which application server version to be installed) recipes into your runlist to set up the application server specific attributes.
  • Place app::install_server after setup_server recipe to install the application server.
  • Set 'jdbc/ConnDB' as your datasource name to set up a database connection with the application server.

For more info see: Release Notes (Section ‘Tomcat App Server’ under ServerTemplates)

Please checkout the tutorial: Tomcat App Server



The app_tomcat cookbook will install and set up the Apache web server with a mod_jk module and the Tomcat application server, with support for MySQL or Postgres database servers. Set db/provider_type input in RightScale ServerTemplate to choose database provider. Place db::default recipe before application server installation to install the database client.

The Cookbook will create a separate vhost config for the Apache web server, which will allow Apache to handle static content, such as images and HTML documents, and forward all requests for dynamic content to Tomcat.


Server version: Apache/2.2.3

Server built: Jun 6 2012 10:00:42

Apache Tomcat

Version 6 Tomcat/6.0.16


Server.built=Feb 8 2008 10:50:49

Tomcat Native library 1.1.20


Version 7 Tomcat/7.0.26


Server.built=Jul 19 2012 03:21:30

Tomcat Native library 1.1.22



Tomcat 6

Java version "1.6.0_31"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_31-b04)

Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.6-b01, mixed mode)

Tomcat 7

Java version "1.6.0_24"

OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11.4)

OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)


  • User defined war file support
  • Java heap size Xms and Xmx memory limitations tuning
  • Java NewSize, MaxNewSize, PermSize, MaxPermSize limitations tuning
  • Application code installation from the remote git, svn or ROS repository
  • MySQL database db.tomcat connection file configuration
  • Automatic application vhost file configuration
  • Automatic logrotate file configuration for Tomcat logs
  • Collectd monitoring support


These are settings used in recipes and templates. Default values are noted.

Note: Only "internal" cookbook attributes are described here. Descriptions of attributes that are inputs are in the metadata.rb cookbook file.

General attributes
  • node[:app_tomcat][:code][:root_war] - Path to the directory which will contain the application for Tomcat.
Java heap tuning attributes
  • node[:app_tomcat][:java][:permsize] - The initial value of the permanent generation space size.
  • node[:app_tomcat][:java][:maxpermsize] - The maximum value of the permanent generation space size.
  • node[:app_tomcat][:java][:newsize] - The initial size of new space generation.
  • node[:app_tomcat][:java][:maxnewsize] - The maximum size of new space generation.
  • node[:app_tomcat][:java][:xmx] - The maximum size of the heap used by the JVM.
  • node[:app_tomcat][:java][:xms] - The initial size of the heap used by the JVM.
Platform dependent
  • node[:app][:user] - Username. Required for changing the owner of created project dirs.
  • node[:app_tomcat][:alternatives_cmd] - Java alternatives command list.
  • node[:app_tomcat][:jkworkersfile] - Path to file defining workers properties.


Defined in :setup_vhost LWRP action for the app::setup_vhost recipe.

  • apache_mod_jk_vhost.erb - Configuration for apache vhost file.
  • mod_jk.conf.erb - Mod_jk configuration template.
  • server_xml.erb - Tomcat server.xml configuration template.
  • tomcat_conf.erb - Tomcat.conf configuration template used in the app::setup_vhost recipe.
  • tomcat_logrotate.conf.erb - Logrotate for configuration template for Tomcat.
  • - Tomcat worker configuration template.

Defined in :setup_db_connection LWRP action for the

app::setup_db_connection recipe.

  • web_xml.erb - Content configuration template for Tomcat.
  • context_xml.erb - Configuration for project database connection config file.
  • - Tomcat catalina properties with updated configuration that loads all java classes from /usr/share/java.


app_tomcat Lightweight provider is defined in the providers/default.rb file and contains source for the following actions:

  • :install
  • :setup_vhost
  • :start
  • :stop
  • :reload
  • :restart
  • :code_update
  • :setup_db_connection
  • :setup_monitoring

For more info about these actions please see app cookbook README.

For normal operations it requires the "app" resource which will act as an interface to all app_tomcat provider logic.

  • :install - Install packages required for application server setup.
  • :setup_vhost - Set up Apache vhost file, with Tomcat module directives included. Install and set up Tomcat package dependencies.
  • :start - Start sequence for Tomcat application server.
  • :stop - Stop sequence for Tomcat application server.
  • :reload - Reload sequence for Tomcat application server.
  • :restart - Restart sequence for Tomcat application server.
  • :code_update - Perform project source code update/download using user selected "repo" LWRP. Set up logrotate config.
  • :setup_db_connection - Perform project /etc/tomcat{6|7}/context.xml database file configuration. The driver type is specified as 'java' and the db_ cookbook's install_client_driver action performs necessary steps to install the database adapter.
  • :setup_monitoring - Install and set up of required monitoring software.
Usage Example:

For usage examples, please see corresponding section in app cookbook README.


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ACME's custom application


Language:Ruby 100.0%