deanomus / docker-compose-files

Provides several example Docker Compose files for some popular Docker images

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This repository contains several examples of Docker images using docker-compose. As an administrator of a server, by myself I use many of the images that are contained here.


Each folder contains only one piece of software. I use Traefik as a reverse proxy for web interfaces, so all docker-compose files are configured for Traefik.

Before use, the .env.example must be copied to .env and configured.

Software (Sorted alphabetically)

Name Source/Link Date
Bitwarden_rs Docker-Hub , GitHub 08.03.2021
docker-volume-backup Docker-Hub , GitHub 03.05.2021
Endlessh Docker-Hub 14.03.2021
Gitea Docker-Hub , Docs 06.04.2021
LOK_RestAPI (WIP) GitHub 11.03.2021
Minio Docker-Hub , GitHub 05.04.2021
MySQL & phpmyadmin MySQL Docker-Hub , phpmyadmin Docker-Hub 08.03.2021
Spigot Server Docker-Hub , GitHub 14.03.2021
Statping Docker-Hub , GitHub 18.03.2021
Traefik Docker-Hub , Docs 04.03.2021
Whoami Docker-Hub , GitHub 04.03.2021
Wordpress Docker-Hub 28.03.2021

About contained software

Bitwarden RS is an unofficial implementation of the Bitwarden password manager written in Rust. It uses significantly fewer resources and only requires a single docker container to run it. It also allows the use of the normally paid features like organisations and reports.

Docker-volume-backup is an Docker image for performing simple backups of Docker volumes. Main features:

  • Mount volumes into the container, and they'll get backed up
  • Use full cron expressions for scheduling the backups
  • Backs up to local disk, AWS S3, or both
  • Allows triggering a backup manually if needed
  • Optionally stops containers for the duration of the backup, and starts them again afterward, to ensure consistent backups
  • Optionally docker execs commands before/after backing up a container, to allow easy integration with database backup tools, for example
  • Optionally ships backup metrics to InfluxDB, for monitoring
  • Optionally encrypts backups with gpg before uploading

Endlessh is an SSH tarpit that very slowly sends an endless, random SSH banner. It keeps SSH clients locked up for hours or even days at a time. The purpose is to put your real SSH server on another port and then let the script kiddies get stuck in this tarpit instead of bothering a real server.

Gitea is an open-source forge software package for hosting software development version control using Git as well as other collaborative features like bug tracking, wikis and code review. It supports self-hosting but also provides a free public first-party instance hosted on DiDi's cloud It is a fork of Gogs and is written in Go. Gitea can be hosted on all platforms supported by Go including Linux, macOS, and Windows. The project is funded on Open Collective.

This is an education project from Europaschule Schulzentrum Utbremen and is still WORK-IN-PROGRESS.

MinIO is an Amazon S3 compatible object storage suite capable of handling structured and unstructured data including log files, artifacts, backups, container images, photos and videos.

MySQL Server with phpmyadmin as web interface to manage databases. Find more information here.

Spigot Game & Test Server

This docker image provides a Minecraft Server with Spigot that will automatically download the latest stable version at startup. Spigot is an open-source Java project that lets users run their own Minecraft server and add plugins to extend the possibilities of their server.

Statping is a easy to use Status Page for your websites and applications. Statping will automatically fetch the application and render a beautiful status page with tons of features for you to build an even better status page. This Status Page generator allows you to use MySQL, Postgres, or SQLite on multiple operating systems.

Traefik Traefik is a reverse proxy (like NGINX Reverse Proxy) and configures itself almost completely automatically. It also automatically creates and renews SSL certificates. The advantage over the NGINX is that the Traefik can be controlled via Docker.

Whoami is a tiny Go webserver that prints os information and HTTP request to output

WordPress is open source software that you can use to create a beautiful website, blog, or app. On a slightly more technical level, WordPress is an open source content management system that is licensed under the GPLv2. This means that anyone can use or change the WordPress software for free.


Provides several example Docker Compose files for some popular Docker images


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