deadlydog / New-GitHubRelease

PowerShell module to make automating the creation of new GitHub releases easy.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

New-GitHubRelease PowerShell Module

A PowerShell v3 compatible module to make automating the creation of new GitHub releases easy.

Getting Started

You can either download the New-GitHubRelease.psm1 file from the Releases page directly, or install the module from the PowerShell Gallery.

Here is an example of how to import the New-GitHubRelease module into your powershell session and call it:

Import-Module -Name "C:\PathTo\New-GitHubRelease.psm1"
New-GitHubRelease -GitHubUsername 'deadlydog' -GitHubRepositoryName 'New-GitHubRelease' -GitHubAccessToken 'SomeLongHexidecimalString' -TagName 'v1.0.0'

A hash table with the following properties is returned:

  • Succeeded = $true if the Release was created successfully and all assets were uploaded to it, $false if some part of the process failed.
  • ReleaseCreationSucceeded = $true if the Release was created successfully (does not include asset uploads), $false if the Release was not created.
  • AllAssetUploadsSucceeded = $true if all assets were uploaded to the Release successfully, $false if one of them failed, $null if there were no assets to upload.
  • ReleaseUrl = The URL of the new Release that was created.
  • ErrorMessage = A message describing what went wrong in the case that Succeeded is $false.

Getting a GitHub Access Token

You can generate a GitHub Access Token on your settings page by following these instructions. Be sure to give the Access Token repo/public_repo permissions so that it will be allowed to create a new Release.

Note: You should never hard-code your Access Token in your script (and source control). Instead prompt the user for it using something like Read-Host, and store it in an environmental variable for next time. This script shows an example of how to do it.


# Import the module dynamically from the PowerShell Gallery. Use CurrentUser scope to avoid having to run as admin.
Import-Module -Name New-GitHubRelease -Scope CurrentUser

# Specify the parameters required to create the release. Do it as a hash table for easier readability.
$newGitHubReleaseParameters =
    GitHubUsername = 'deadlydog'
    GitHubRepositoryName = 'New-GitHubRelease'
    GitHubAccessToken = 'SomeLongHexidecimalString'
    ReleaseName = "New-GitHubRelease v1.0.0"
    TagName = "v1.0.0"
    ReleaseNotes = "This release contains the following changes: ..."
    AssetFilePaths = @('C:\MyProject\Installer.exe','C:\MyProject\')
    IsPreRelease = $false
    IsDraft = $true	# Set to true when testing so we don't publish a real release (visible to everyone) by accident.

# Try to create the Release on GitHub and save the results.
$result = New-GitHubRelease @newGitHubReleaseParameters

# Provide some feedback to the user based on the results.
if ($result.Succeeded -eq $true)
    Write-Output "Release published successfully! View it at $($result.ReleaseUrl)"
elseif ($result.ReleaseCreationSucceeded -eq $false)
    Write-Error "The release was not created. Error message is: $($result.ErrorMessage)"
elseif ($result.AllAssetUploadsSucceeded -eq $false)
    Write-Error "The release was created, but not all of the assets were uploaded to it. View it at $($result.ReleaseUrl). Error message is: $($result.ErrorMessage)"

Attempt to create a new Release on GitHub, and provide feedback to the user indicating if it succeeded or not.

Full Documentation

Once the module has been imported, you can access the the latest documention in PowerShell by using Get-Help New-GitHubRelease -Full, or just look at the file in source control here.


PowerShell module to make automating the creation of new GitHub releases easy.

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 100.0%