ddostest123 / linkScrape

Enumerates employee names from LinkedIn.com based off company search results.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


  ___                __      ____                                             
  /\_ \    __        /\ \    /\  _`\                                           
  \//\ \  /\_\    ___\ \ \/'\\ \,\L\_\    ___   _ __    __     _____      __   
    \ \ \ \/\ \ /' _ `\ \ , < \/_\__ \   /'___\/\`'__\/'__`\  /\ '__`\  /'__`\ 
     \_\ \_\ \ \/\ \/\ \ \ \\`\ /\ \L\ \/\ \__/\ \ \//\ \L\.\_\ \ \L\ \/\  __/ 
     /\____\\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ \_\ `\____\ \____\\ \_\\ \__/.\_\\ \ ,__/\ \____\
     \/____/ \/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_/\/_____/\/____/ \/_/ \/__/\/_/ \ \ \/  \/____/
                                                                 \ \_\         
Description: Enumerates employee names from LinkedIn.com
Created by: Nick Sanzotta/@beamr


git clone https://github.com/NickSanzotta/linkScrape.git
cd linkScrape
python linkScrape.py --help

3rd Party Python libraries may be required:
pip install beautifulsoup4
pip install bs4
pip install lxml


Does not utilize LinkedIn's API.(This is a pure Web Scraper)
LinkedIn Account may be flagged or banned.
LinkedIn.com account will need 10+ connections/profile strength to perform searches.
(This is a rough estimate based on current feedback)
Company search results have a monthly cap.
Script still has some minor bugs when scraping some character sets.


  1.When searching for companies with "&" such as T&T use the following syntax.(Make sure to use quotes)
  python linkScrape.py -e LinkedInUser@email.com -c "T and T"

  2. Searching Companies with common or shared names, will produce incorrect company info results.
  (This is a known issue, I plan on addresssing)
  3. Searching Companies with with White Space currently will produce no company info.
  (This is a known issue, I plan on addresssing)

Default Values:

If a parameter is not defined it's default value will be choosen.
Default values listed below.

formatValue = 7
pageResults = 5
timeout = 5


Usage: python linkScrape.py <OPTIONS>
Example: python linkScrape.py -e LinkedInUser@email.com -c acme -r 1 -t 3 -m 7 -d acme.com
Example: python linkScrape.py -m 7 -i ~/Company/names.txt
Raw output saved to: linkedIn/linkScrape-data/Company_time.txt
Formatted output saved to: linkedIn/linkScrape-data/Company-mangle[x]_time.txt

Login options:
-e <email> Your LinkedIn.com Email Address.
-p <pass>  Your LinkedIn.com Password.

Search options:
-c <company> Company you want to enumerate.(Prepends to filename if used with -i) 
-r <results> Searches x amount of LinkedIn.com pages (Default is 5).
-t <secs>    Sets timeout value. (Default is 5.)

Mangle Options:

-m <mangle>
    1)FirstLast        ex:nicksanzotta
    2)LastFirst        ex:sanzottanick
    3)First.Last       ex:nick.sanzotta
    4)Last.First       ex:sanzotta.nick
    5)First_Last       ex:nick_sanzotta
    6)Last_First       ex:sanzotta_nick
    7)FLast            ex:nsanzotta
    8)LFirst           ex:snick
    9)FirstL           ex:nicks
    10)F.Last          ex:n.sanzotta
    11)L.Firstname     ex:s.nick
    12)FirLa           ex:nicsa
    13)Lastfir         ex:sanznic  

-d <domain> Append @domain.com to enumerated user list."
-i <input>  Use local file instead of LinkedIn.com to perform name Mangle against."

-h <help>  Prints this help menu.


[*]You did not specify a parameter the wizard has launched:
  [*]Example: python linkScrape.py -e user@email.com -c acme
  [*]For help & command line options please use: python linkScrape.py --help
  Enter LinkedIn Email account[user@email.com]: 
  ENTERED: "user@email.com"
  Enter LinkedIn Password: 
  Enter Company[acme]: 
  ENTERED: "acme"
   Mangle options:
  	 -m <mangle>		  
                                   1)FirstLast        ex:nicksanzotta
                                   2)LastFirst        ex:sanzottanick
                                   3)First.Last       ex:nick.sanzotta
                                   4)Last.First       ex:sanzotta.nick
                                   5)First_Last       ex:nick_sanzotta
                                   6)Last_First       ex:sanzotta_nick
                                   7)FLast            ex:nsanzotta
                                   8)LFirst           ex:snick
                                   9)FirstL           ex:nicks
                                  10)F.Last           ex:n.sanzotta
                                  11)L.Firstname      ex:s.nick
                                  12)FirLa            ex:nicsa
                                  13)Lastfir          ex:sanznic
  Enter name Managle choice[ex:7]: 
  ENTERED: "7"
  [*]TIP: This value will determine how many page results will be returned.
  Enter number of pages results[ex:2]: 
  ENTERED: "5"
  [*]TIP: This value will determine how long of a delay(in seconds) each page will be scraped.
  Enter timeout value[ex:5]: 
  ENTERED: "5"
  [*]TIP: This value will be added to the end of each mangled result[ex:jsmith@acme.com].
  Enter Domain suffix[ex:acme.com]: 

Output Sample:

  Employee/Title list Saved to: linkScrape-data/acme_employee-title_20160920-1523.txt
  Robert Dukes : Security Lead
  Chang Xiu : President
  Danny Glover : Alliances Manager
  Rob Becker : SQA Engineer

  Raw Employee list Saved to: linkScrape-data/acme_20160920-1523.txt
  Robert Dukes
  Chang Xiu
  Danny Glover
  Rob Becker
  Mangled option chosen: 7
  Mangled list Saved to: linkScrape-data/acme-mangle-7_20160920-1523.txt
  Completed in: 21.9s


Enumerates employee names from LinkedIn.com based off company search results.


Language:Python 100.0%