ddosdor / vue-sh-wysiwyg

Simple and very basic Wysiwyg editor for Vue.js

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

 __      __                     _____ _ __          __        _                      
 \ \    / /                    / ____| |\ \        / /       (_)                     
  \ \  / /   _  ___   ______  | (___ | |_\ \  /\  / /   _ ___ ___      ___   _  __ _ 
   \ \/ / | | |/ _ \ |______|  \___ \| '_ \ \/  \/ / | | / __| \ \ /\ / / | | |/ _` |
    \  /| |_| |  __/           ____) | | | \  /\  /| |_| \__ \ |\ V  V /| |_| | (_| |
     \/  \__,_|\___|          |_____/|_| |_|\/  \/  \__, |___/_| \_/\_/  \__, |\__, |
                                                     __/ |                __/ | __/ |
                                                    |___/                |___/ |___/


What is this?

This is my very basic and very simple HTML wysiwyg editor.

Why I made this?

Because I need some very basic and very simple HTML wysiwyg editor for my project. Need is the mother of invention. :)

Where to get it from?

It's simple:

npm install @ddosdor/vue-sh-wysiwyg


yarn add @ddosdor/vue-sh-wysiwyg

How to use this?

First import it and let Vue know to use it.

In your main.js file:

import Vue from 'vue';
import ShWysiwyg from '@ddosdor/vue-sh-wysiwyg';


Remember to add a stylesheet:

In main.js (I prefer this solution):

import "@ddosdor/vue-sh-wysiwyg/lib/ShWysiwyg.css";

or in some css file:

@import "~@ddosdor/vue-sh-wysiwyg/lib/ShWysiwyg.css";

Use this in components

To use ShWysiwyg in components:

<ShWysiwyg v-model="someHtml" />

Value passed on to the v-model is 'two-way binding' (Vue docs).

You can also use the emitted events:

<ShWysiwyg v-model="someHtml" 
  • @change is emitted on every content change
  • @focus is emitted when content is focused
  • @blur is emitted when content is blur

Possible commands and customization

So far, there are only a few possible commands (Did I mentioned that it's a simple editor?)

  • Heading (heading)
  • Bold (bold)
  • Italic (italic)
  • Strikethrough (strikeThrough)
  • Underline (Underline)
  • Align left (justifyLeft)
  • Align center (justifyCenter)
  • Align right (justifyRight)
  • Align justify (justifyFull)
  • Hyperlink (createLink)
  • Undo (undo)
  • Remove format (removeFormat)

By default, all the above options are available. However, they can be customized with props:

<ShWysiwyg v-model="someHtml" 
           :toolbar="['bold', 'underline', '|', 'createLink', 'removeFormat']"

Mysterious '|' is divider.

Can I use it for production?

I don't know, I use it. :)

What's next?

I still have some ideas that I would like to implement for this tool. So far, this is a beta version, that's why every feedback is welcome.


Simple and very basic Wysiwyg editor for Vue.js

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 56.3%Language:Vue 41.2%Language:HTML 2.6%