ddeleon267 / python-p3-mapping-database-records-to-python-objects

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Mapping Database Records to Python Objects

Learning Goals

  • Create Python objects using SQL database records.
  • Create SQL database records using Python objects.

Key Vocab

  • Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): a technique used to convert database records into objects in an object-oriented language.


In this lesson, we'll cover the basics of reading from a database table that is mapped to a Python object.

Our Python program gets most interesting when we add data. To do this, we use a database. When we want our Python program to store things, we send them off to a database. When we want to retrieve those things, we ask the database to send them back to our program. This works very well, but there is one small problem to overcome— our Python program and the database don't speak the same language.

Python understands objects. The database understands raw data.

We don't store Python objects in the database, and we don't get Python objects back from the database. We store raw data describing a given Python object in a table row, and when we want to reconstruct a Python object from the stored data, we select that same row in the table.

When we query the database, it is up to us to write the code that takes that data and turns it back into an instance of the appropriate class. We, the programmers, will be responsible for translating the raw data that the database sends into Python objects that are instances of a particular class.

Code Along

Let's continue building out the Song class and its object-relational mapping methods from the previous lesson. We can use our code to make new songs and persist them to the database, but what if we want to access existing songs from the database?

We need to build three methods to access all of those songs and convert them to Python objects.

To start, review the code from the Song class. Then take a look at this code in the debug.py file:

# lib/debug.py

from song import Song, CONN, CURSOR

def reset_database():
    Song.create("Hello", "25")
    Song.create("99 Problems", "The Black Album")


import pytest; pytest.set_trace()

This file is set up so that you can explore the database using the Song class from an ipdb session. We'll use this code later on during this code along.


The first thing we need to do is convert what the database gives us into a Python object. We will use this method to create all the Python objects in our next two methods.

One thing to know is that the database, SQLite in our case, will return an array of data for each row. For example, a row for Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" from the album "Thriller" that has an id of 1 would look like this: [1, "Billie Jean", "Thriller"].

class Song

    # ... rest of methods

    def new_from_db(cls, row):
        song = cls(row[1], row[2])
        song.id = row[0]
        return song

Now, you may notice something — since we're retrieving data from a database, we are using the class constructor through cls. We don't need to create records. With this method, we're reading data from SQLite and temporarily representing that data in Python.


Recall that in previous lessons with Python classes, we used the all class attribute to represent all instances of our class. In those examples, all was the single source of truth for instances in a particular class.

That approach showed some limitations, however. Using that attribute meant that our Python objects were only persisted in memory as long as our Python program was running. If we exited the program and re-ran our code, we'd lose access to that data.

Now that we have a SQL database, our classes have a new way to persist data: using the database!

To return all the songs in the database, we need to execute the following SQL query: SELECT * FROM songs. Let's store the statement that represents this action in a variable called sql using a multi-line string ("""). This query won't be very long, but this is best practice for SQL statements as many get quite long.

sql = """"
  FROM songs

Next, we will make a call to our database using CURSOR. This sqlite3.Cursor object is located in lib/song.py.

# lib/song.py

import sqlite3

CONN = sqlite3.connect('lib/music.db')
CURSOR = CONN.cursor()

Our sqlite3.Cursor instance will respond to a method called execute that accepts raw SQL as a string (as we've seen a couple times already). The fetchall() method will then return the rows sequentially in a tuple. Let's pass in that SQL we stored above:

class Song

    # you don't need this, but default empty values can help you avoid errors later on
    all = []

    # ... rest of methods

    def get_all(cls):
        sql = """
            SELECT *
            FROM songs

        all = CURSOR.execute(sql).fetchall()

This will return an array of rows from the database that matches our query. Now, all we have to do is iterate over each row and use the new_from_db() create a new Python object for each row:

class Song

    all = []

    # ... rest of methods

    def get_all(cls):
        sql = """
            SELECT *
            FROM songs

        all = CURSOR.execute(sql).fetchall()

        cls.all = [cls.new_from_db(row) for row in all]
        return cls.all

With this method in place, let's try using the get_all() method from ipdb to access all the songs in the database. Run python debug.py, and then follow along in the ipdb shell:

# => [<lib.song.Song object at 0x101346680>, <lib.song.Song object at 0x101e50d60>]

To see a bit more detail, we can use the .__dict__ attribute that Python assigns to new objects:

[song.__dict__ for song in Song.all]
# => [{'id': 1, 'name': 'Hello', 'album': '25'}, {'id': 2, 'name': '99 Problems', 'album': 'The Black Album'}]

Success! We can see both songs in the database as an array of song instances. We can interact with them just like any other Python objects:

# => {'id': 1, 'name': 'Hello', 'album': '25'}
# => {'id': 2, 'name': '99 Problems', 'album': 'The Black Album'}
# => "99 Problems"
# => "smelborP 99"


This one is similar to get_all(), with the small exception being that we have to include a name in our SQL statement. To do this, we use a question mark where we want the name parameter to be passed in, and we include name as the second argument to the execute() method:

class Song:

    # ... rest of methods

    def find_by_name(cls, name):
        sql = """
            SELECT *
            FROM songs
            WHERE name = ?
            LIMIT 1

        song = CURSOR.execute(sql, (name,)).fetchone()

        return cls.new_from_db(song)

There are a couple important things to note here:

  • Bound parameters must be passed to the execute statement as a sequence data type. This is typically performed with tuples to match the format that results are returned in. A tuple containing only one element must have a comma after that element, otherwise it is interpreted as a grouped statement (think [PEMDAS]https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_operations).
  • The fetchone() method returns the first element from fetchall().

Let's try out this new method. Exit pdb and run python debug.py again:

# => {'id': 1, 'name': 'Hello', 'album': '25'}



At this point, we have created a database and records with Python and pointed those records back toward our Python class. We haven't covered every use case, but we have a functioning ORM! In the next lesson, we will put these skills to the test.





Language:Python 100.0%