dddotcom / link-board

Hacker News clone [rails, auth]

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Link Board - Part 1

We are going to create a clone of Hacker News. Hacker news is a reddit-style link board that allows users to post links which are upvoted by other users so the best links rise to the top.

For part 1, we're going focus on Users and Posts only. The goal for is to create an app that allows users to sign up, login, and add posts. In part 2, we'll work on adding additional components.

Getting Started

  • Fork and clone this repo
  • Create a Rails app


Suggested Models


  • email
  • password_digest
  • name


  • title
  • link
  • user (created using user:references)

Suggested Routes


Verb Route Action Purpose
GET /signup users#new render user sign up form
POST /signup users#create create user in database (signup)
GET /login sessions#new render user log in form
POST /login sessions#create create user session (login)
DELETE /logout sessions#destroy destroy user session (logout)


Create basic CRUD routes (see RESTful routing table if needed). Rails can do this for you using resources in routes.rb.

Verb Route Action Purpose
GET / posts#index render list of all posts
GET /posts/new posts#new render add post form
POST /posts posts#create create post in database (associated to logged in user)

Note: We're using the root for posts#index because (just like hacker news) we want to list all posts on the home page.

Suggested Validations

  • post.title
    • required
    • should be between 10 and 100 chars
  • post.link
    • required
    • should be a valid url
  • user.email
    • required
    • valid email
    • unique
  • user.name
    • required
    • less than 20 chars

Suggested Development Process

Setup basic Rails app / repo

  • Fork and clone this repo
  • create a new Rails app rails new ./ -T -d postgresql
  • create your database rake db:create
  • test rails s go to localhost:3000 in browser

Setup user / authentication

  • Create User model
  • add has_secure_password and validations
  • enable bcrypt gem in Gemfile
  • migrate rake db:migrate
  • test using rails c (User.all, User.create, etc)
  • Test validations by violating them and adjust if needed
  • Create authentication routes / controller / actions / views
  • Test that you can signup and log in / out

Setup posts

  • Create Post model
  • add validations
  • add associations
  • migrate rake db:migrate
  • test rails c (Post.all, Post.create, etc)
    • Test validations (by violating them)
    • Test associations (by adding a post owned by a user)
    • Adjust as needed
  • Create crud routes / views / actions for Post

Testing Models

After creating your models it's generally a good idea to test them out to make sure they're working as expected (before creating controllers / views)

Testing User Model

#should give us an empty array

User.create(email: 'blah@blah.com', name: 'a name', password: 'qwertyuiop')
#should create a user

#should list our newly created user - password should be hashed

Testing valdations

#no parameters should fail validation

User.create email: 'blah@blah.com', name: 'a name', password: 'qwertyuiop'
#duplicate e-mail should fail

Testing Associations

#returns the last user we created

#empty array

User.last.posts.create(title:'my post title', link:'http://www.google.com')
#should create a post associated with a user

#should list our newly created post

#should show our newly created post (that belongs to the user)


  1. All content is licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.
  2. All software code is licensed under GNU GPLv3. For commercial use or alternative licensing, please contact legal@ga.co.


Hacker News clone [rails, auth]



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