dd86k / ddh

#️⃣ dd's hashing utility with a twist

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

ddh, DD's Hashing command utility

ddh is a simple hasher available cross-platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, BSDs) and comes with more features than built-in OS utilities.

Feature Comparison

Feature ddh GNU coreutils uutils/coreutils OpenSSL 1
Binary mode ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Text mode ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Check support ✔️ ✔️2 ✔️ ✔️
File support ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Memory-mapped file support ✔️
Standard input (stdin) support ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
GNU style hashes ✔️ ✔️ ✔️3 ✔️
BSD style hashes ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
SRI style hashes ✔️ 4 4 4

Algorithm Availability Comparison

Checksum/Hash ddh GNU coreutils uutils/coreutils OpenSSL1
CRC-32 ✔️
CRC-64-ISO ✔️
CRC-64-ECMA ✔️
MurmurHash3 ✔️
MD5 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
RIPEMD-160 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
SHA-1 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
SHA-2 ✔️ ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
SHA-3/SHAKE ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
BLAKE2b ✔️ ✔️ ✔️5 ✔️
BLAKE2s ✔️ ✔️
BLAKE3 6 ✔️5

Algorithm Security

Checksum/Hash Type Secure
CRC-32 Checksum
CRC-64-ISO Checksum
CRC-64-ECMA Checksum
Murmurhash-32 Hash
Murmurhash-128-32 Hash
Murmurhash-128-64 Hash
MD5 Hash
RIPEMD-160 Hash ✔️
SHA-1 Hash
SHA-2 Hash ✔️
SHA-3/SHAKE Hash ✔️
BLAKE2b Hash ✔️
BLAKE2s Hash ✔️


Format: ddh [options...|--autocheck] [file|--stdin]

With no arguments, the help page is shown.

For a list of options available, use the --help argument.

For a list of supported checksums and hashes, use the --hashes switch.

Hashing a file

$ ddh --md5 LICENSE
1d267ceb3a8d8f75f1be3011ee4cbf53  LICENSE

To select OpenSSL tags for the output, use --tag.

To select SRI for the output, use --sri.

Check list using hash

$ ddh --sha256 -c list
file1: OK
file2: FAILED
2 total: 1 mismatch, 0 not read

To select the tag digest style, use --tag.

Both OpenSSL and GNU/BSD tags are supported.

Check files against a hash digest

$ ddh --sha1 LICENSE -A f6067df486cbdbb0aac026b799b26261c92734a3

Compare files against each other

$ ddh --sha512 --compare LICENSE README.md dub.sdl 
Files 'LICENSE' and 'README.md' are different
Files 'README.md' and 'dub.sdl' are different
Files 'LICENSE' and 'dub.sdl' are different

Automatically check list from extension

$ ddh --autocheck codium_1.73.0.22306_amd64.deb.sha256
codium_1.73.0.22306_amd64.deb: OK

Hash parameters

Some hashes may take optional parameters.

  • BLAKE2: The --key option takes a binary file for keying the hash.
  • Murmurhash3: The --seed option takes an argument literal for seeding the hash.

Hash styles

Style CLI Switch Example
GNU 1d267ceb3a8d8f75f1be3011ee4cbf53 LICENSE
BSD --tag MD5(LICENSE)= 1d267ceb3a8d8f75f1be3011ee4cbf53
SRI --sri md5-HSZ86zqNj3XxvjAR7ky/Uw==
Plain --plain 1d267ceb3a8d8f75f1be3011ee4cbf53

File Pattern Globbing (* vs. '*')

This utility supports file globbing out of the box using std.file.dirEntries.

However, while useful on Windows, most UNIX-like terminals support in-shell globbing. This may behave differently than the dirEntries function.

To force the usage of the embedded globbing mechanism, you may want to use '*' or \*. To disable it, use the -- parameter.

The globbing pattern is further explained on dlang.org.

The default parameters used in dirEntries are:

  • SpanMode: shallow (same-level directory);
  • And followSymlink: true (follows soft symbolic links).

NOTE: The embedded globbing system includes hidden files.

EXAMPLE: A pattern such as src/*.{d,dd}:

  • Matches src/example.d, src/.dd, and src/file.dd;
  • But doesn't match example.d, src/.ddd, and src/.e;
  • Basically all files ending with .d and .dd in the src directory, following symlinks.

Memory-mapped Files

The mmfile mode's performance may vary on systems. Typically, file mode is faster on Windows, and mmfile mode is faster on Linux systems.

The default is file.


Code Description
1 CLI error
2 No hashes selected or autocheck not used
3 Internal error: Unable to initiate hash module with hash
4 Failed to set the hash key
5 Failed to set the hash seed
6 No such file
7 Could not determine hash type
9 Could not hash text argument
10 List is empty
11 Unsupported tag format in list due to missing filename
12 Internal error: Couldn't continue processing list
15 Two or more files are required to compare


Compiling requires a recent D compiler and DUB.

To compile a debug build with the default compiler:

dub build

Release recommendation with the LDC compiler:

dub build -b release-nobounds --compiler=ldc2

To compile with GDC, you'll also need gdmd installed.


  1. See dgst command. 2

  2. All but cksum and sum.

  3. * prepended to filename.

  4. Possible to do with a chain of commands, but good luck remembering them. 2 3

  5. As of 0.0.13 2

  6. While the official BLAKE3 team has a b3sum, GNU does not.


#️⃣ dd's hashing utility with a twist

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal


Language:D 100.0%