dcoder2099 / cruisecontrolrb_to_hipchat

CruiseControl.rb push notifications into HipChat.

Repository from Github https://github.comdcoder2099/cruisecontrolrb_to_hipchatRepository from Github https://github.comdcoder2099/cruisecontrolrb_to_hipchat

This is a little Sinatra app notifies Hipchat of any changes in the build status on your CruiseControl.rb install.

Heroku-ready! Just follow these steps:

  1. Grab a copy of the source

     git clone git@github.com:andrewpbrett/cruisecontrolrb_to_hipchat.git
  2. Create a Heroku app

     heroku create myapp
  3. Required configuration

     		heroku config:add HIPCHAT_AUTH_TOKEN=your_auth_token
     		heroku config:add HIPCHAT_ROOM_ID=your_room_id
     		heroku config:add CC_URL=your_cruise_control_url
  4. Optional configuration:

     		Basic auth for your CruiseControlrb install (recommended):
     		heroku config:add CC_USERNAME=your_username
     		heroku config:add CC_PASSWORD=your_password
     		heroku config:add POLLING_INTERVAL							 # polling interval in minutes. defaults to 1 minute.
     		heroku config:add HIPCHAT_FROM=cruise-control    # who the messages are "from" in hipchat. defaults to 'cruise-control'		
  5. Deploy to Heroku

     git push heroku master
  6. Set up something to ping your app regularly in order to prevent it from idling. The New Relic add-on seems to do the trick, but so does a cron job, pingdom, etc., etc., etc. ...

  7. Have a beer while you wait for your first notification in Hipchat.


CruiseControl.rb push notifications into HipChat.


Language:Ruby 100.0%