dcj / inet.data

Clojure library for modeling various Internet-related conceptual entities as data

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Inet.data is a library for modeling various Internet-related conceptual entities as data, supporting applications which are about the modeled entities versus interfacing with them.


Inet.data is available on Clojars. Add this :dependency to your Leiningen project.clj:

[com.damballa/inet.data "0.5.7"]

Please note that the group ID has changed with with the 0.5.7 release from inet.data to com.damballa. New releases will also be pushed under the inet.data group ID until 0.6.0, but that group ID should be considered deprecated.


Currently inet.data includes support for IP addresses and networks and for DNS domain names. Example usage follows; detailed API documentation available.


The inet.data.ip namespace defines types for IP addresses and networks and associated functions. All public functions work in terms of a protocol which is also implemented for strings, byte arrays, and java.net.InetAddress.

(require '[inet.data.ip :as ip])

(ip/network-contains? "" "") ;;=> true

(ip/address? "600d::") ;;=> true
(ip/address? "::bad::") ;;=> false

(let [rfc1918 (ip/network-set "" "" "")]
  (get rfc1918 "") ;;=> (#ip/network "")
  (get rfc1918 "") ;;=> nil

(seq (ip/network ""))
;;=> (#ip/address ""
;;    #ip/address ""
;;    #ip/address ""
;;    #ip/address "")

(ip/network-nth "" -1)
;;=> #ip/address ""

(ip/address-networks "" "")
;;=> #{#ip/network ""
;;     #ip/network ""}


The inet.data.dns namespace defines a type for representing DNS domain names and associated functions. All public functions work in terms of a protocol which is also implemented for strings and byte arrays.

(require '[inet.data.dns :as dns])

(dns/domain-contains? "com" "example.com") ;;=> true

(dns/domain? "example.com") ;;=> true
(dns/domain? "bad..com") ;;=> false

(dns/domain-parent "www.example.com") ;;=> #dns/domain "example.com"

(let [gtlds (dns/domain-set "com" "net" "org")]
  (get gtlds "example.com") ;;=> (#dns/domain "com")
  (get gtlds "does.not.exist") ;;=> nil


The inet.data.format.psl namespace defines functions for working with files in the Mozilla Public Suffix List format. It can automatically use the current version of the list as maintained by the Mozilla project. The format is generally useful for domain suffix applications, but most applications will need to provide their own list(s) customized for their particular use cases.

(require '[inet.data.format.psl :as psl])

(psl/lookup "www.example.co.uk") ;;=> #dns/domain "example.co.uk"


Copyright © 2012-2015 Marshall Bockrath-Vandegrift & Damballa, Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Clojure library for modeling various Internet-related conceptual entities as data

License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Clojure 85.1%Language:Ragel in Ruby Host 9.5%Language:Java 5.3%Language:Shell 0.2%