dccsillag / exactboost

Code for the paper "ExactBoost: Directly Boosting the Margin in Combinatorial and Non-decomposable Metrics"

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This repository contains the code to reproduce all figures and tables in "ExactBoost: Directly Boosting the Margin in Combinatorial and Non-decomposable Metrics," published at AISTATS 2022.

  title={ExactBoost: Directly Boosting the Margin in Combinatorial and Non-decomposable Metrics},
  author={Daniel Csillag and Carolina Piazza and Thiago Ramos and João Vitor Romano and Roberto Oliveira and Paulo Orenstein},

Project Setup Instructions

  • All scripts should be run from the Git repository root directory (exactboost/).
  • Run the script src/setup/setup_directories.sh to create the necessary directories for the project. See "Folder Contents" below.
  • Run conda env create -f src/setup/env_exactboost.yml to create a new conda environment with all necessary packages.
  • Run conda activate env_exactboost to activate the environment.

Compiling the C++ Code

The code in src/models/exactboost/ is written in C++17, so a conforming compiler is required. Other than that, the dependencies are all managed by the Conda environment.

The code can be compiled with make, and generates a dynamic library that can be loaded with Python as a module.

make -C src/models/exactboost/

Making TopPush available through python

The implementation of TopPush used as a benchmark for the precision at k loss is written in julia. In order to access it through python, refer to the following steps:

  • Add export PATH="$PATH:$(readlink -f {path_to_repo}/setup/julia-1.5.3/bin) to your shell rc, where {path_to_repo} is the path to the cloned repository (exactboost).
  • Reload your shell rc via . or by logging out and back in, for example.
  • Run src/setup/setup_top_push.sh. It should take a while to complete. For different setups, this shell script can be used as a guide.

Recreating Figures and Tables

Note the figures are generated as PGF to be easily integrated to the Latex document. They can be changed to PNG by changing the extension in Matplotlib's plt.savefig("filename.pgf") to plt.savefig("filename.png").

Downloading the datasets

  • To download and process the needed datasets, run src/data/paper.sh.
  • Manually download the gmsc and cskaggle datasets (which require a Kaggle login) and the mq2008 dataset (for which no direct link is provided). The download pages can be found in src/data/download.py. The files needed are cs-training.csv for gmsc, application_train.csv for cskaggle and min.txt for mq2008. Once all files are placed in their corresponding data/raw/{dataset}/ directories, process the datasets using src/data/process.py -d gmsc, src/data/process.py -d cskaggle and src/data/process.py -d mq2008.

Figure 1

  • Create the required margin data by running src/eval/margin_plots/generate.py with flags -d indicating the dataset and -m indicating the metric (auc, ks or pak). Hyperparameters can be chosen through flags as well, but they are set to values used in the paper by default.
  • Figure 2 is then created by running src/eval/margin_plots/paper_plot.py. The default datasets and metrics are hardcoded: svmguide1 for auc, gmsc for ks and splice for pak.

Figure 2

  • Create the trajectory plot data by running src/eval/trajectory_plots/generate.py -m ks -d heart.
  • Get the evaluation data for each point via src/eval/trajectory_plots/evaluate.py -m ks -d heart -e $N_RUNS. The flag -e contains the number of runs to average over. In the paper, it takes the values 1, 2, 10, 100, 250.
  • Project the data into 2D via src/eval/trajectory_plots/project.py -m ks -d heart -e $N_RUNS, where metric is either auc, ks or pak.
  • Finally, the plot is obtained through src/eval/trajectory_plots/plot.py -m ks -d heart -s $SELECTED_TRAJECTORIES -e $N_RUNS -c $COLOR_SCHEME, where $SELECTED_MODELS indicate for which model numbers to draw the trajectory for and $COLOR_SCHEME give the seaborn color pallete for the plot. In the paper, we use: python src/eval/trajectory_plots/plot.py -m ks -d heart -s 7 20 16 14 3 -e 1 2 10 100 250 -c Spectral.

Figure 3

  • Create the cross-validation data by running src/eval/boxplots/do_boxplots.sh. The script takes the flags -d to indicate which datasets to use, -m to define the estimators and -M to define ensemblers. Estimators whose predictions are used for ensembling are hardcoded in the script and running do_boxplots.sh for them is a requirement before ensembling.
  • Figure 3 can then be created by running src/eval/benchmark_plots/plot.py --benchmarks_errorbar --free_scale.

Table 1, Table 2, Table 3 and Supplementary Material tables

  • Results presented in the evaluation tables come from 5-fold cross-validations generated by the boxplots pipeline. Therefore, src/eval/boxplots/do_boxplots.sh must be run for all models and datasets before proceeding.
  • All the tables for the main paper and the supplementary material can then be generated via src/eval/tables/generate_tables.sh.

Folder Contents

  • data: raw and processed datasets.
  • eval: model performance metrics, plots, tables and other output used to evaluate models.
  • models: trained models for future predictions and files created by models, including intermediate steps or for testing purposes (e.g., selection among different model experiments).
  • setup: customised Julia binary necessary to run TopPush (not needed for ExactBoost nor for the other models in the project).
  • src: project source code (pushed to the repository).


Code for the paper "ExactBoost: Directly Boosting the Margin in Combinatorial and Non-decomposable Metrics"


Language:Python 76.0%Language:C++ 19.5%Language:Shell 3.7%Language:Makefile 0.7%