dccmx / sc

Service Compiler, compile protocol buffer file to runnable&installable server and client library

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sc - server compiler

sc is a tool that compiles protocol buffer definitions to runnable server code and client library.

example (a simple echo service):

option py_generic_services = true;

message EchoRequest {
  required string text = 1;

message EchoResponse {
  required string text = 1;

service EchoService {
  rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse);

Run sc --server --python --out=echo-server echo.proto to generate server side code

Run sc --client --python --out=echo-client echo.proto to generate client side code

Then sc will generate a empty server implementation file named echo.py in echo-server/echoServer. it might looks like this: #!/usr/bin/python # coding: utf-8 import echo_pb2

class EchoService(echo_pb2.EchoService):
    def Echo(self, rpc_controller, request, done):
        # TODO implement method here to finish the server
        # example:
        #   response = echo_pb2.EchoResponse()
        #   do some thing to fill the response
        #   done(response)

Just finish the TODOs to complete the server.

Then run python setup.py install to deploy the server. and deliver the echo-client to your clients.

That all. Life is not so hard.


Service Compiler, compile protocol buffer file to runnable&installable server and client library


Language:Shell 87.6%Language:C++ 12.4%