dcapwell / container-playground

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


docker build -t oci/playground .
docker run -ti --privileged --security-opt seccomp=unconfined oci/playground bash


mkdir -p /tmp/playground
cd /tmp/playground/
skopeo copy docker://centos oci:centos
mkdir centos-bundle
oci-create-runtime-bundle --ref latest centos centos-bundle/
cd centos-bundle/
  rm -f config.json 
  runc spec
cd -
oci-runtime-tool generate \
  --tty \
  --bind /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf \
  --template centos-bundle/config.json > centos-bundle/config.json.tmp
mv -f centos-bundle/config.json{.tmp,}
runc run -b centos-bundle/ ctr

If runc fails with container_linux.go:247: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:283: applying cgroup configuration for process caused \"mountpoint for cgroup not found\"" then execute https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tianon/cgroupfs-mount/master/cgroupfs-mount and rerun. This means that the cgroup mounts were not added to the container, so just need to add them manually.

Running without root

As of Ubunt 14.04, this doesn't work. Tested on CentOS 7.3 and it mostly works; unselect gets a permission issue, but running runc with sudo allows the container to run (which is running as root in the container and the normal user outside the container).


User Namespaces (http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/user_namespaces.7.html) are required for this to work. This allows for a container to run with uid=0 but run as the mapped user on the host (most likely the user launching the container).

Many distributions will not enable this feature by default, so it may need to be configured. To check if its setup, check cat /proc/cmdline to see if user_namespaces.enable=1 is found. If not found, update grub configurations to enable it (requires restart).


useradd notroot
# allow all users to write to runc data
mkdir -p /run/runc
chmod a+rwx /run/runc/
su - notroot
mkdir -p /tmp/rootless-playground
cd /tmp/rootless-playground
skopeo copy docker://centos oci:centos
umoci unpack --rootless --image centos:latest centos-bundle
cd centos-bundle/
  rm -f config.json 
  runc spec --rootless
cd -
oci-runtime-tool generate \
  --tty \
  --template centos-bundle/config.json > centos-bundle/config.json.tmp
mv -f centos-bundle/config.json{.tmp,}
runc run -b centos-bundle/ rootlessctr


License:MIT License


Language:Shell 100.0%