dcalacci / ellipsis

...very okay dotfiles

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... very okay dotfiles

Set of dotfiles, including various scripts and tools I use on a 2020 macbook air with a very unfortunate cooling problem.


Window manager with multiple terminal screens. active screen is highlighted in pink: multiple terminal windows w/ yabai WM working in one terminal in tmux: one terminal window in tmux finding a file in a project using fzf with a preview window: vim with fzf code structure with vista / coc: vim with vista & coc


After years of using emacs, I gave up, and now I use neovim, and make liberal use of coc.nvim. It's like vscode but way cooler because it runs in your terminal. My init.vim is fairly straightforward but the general features are:

  • autocomplete, linting, and prettier for most languages, including R and Typescript
  • literate programming / REPL support for IPython and R

some niceties:

  • ,f for an overused fzf file pane fuzzy finder using ripgrep. This absolutely rules and is way better than a dumb file pane taking up precious screen real estate.
  • ctrl + j,k,h,l to navigate windows / panes, and vv and ss to split.
  • ,V to open a nice code map using vista
  • [g and ]g to go through diagnostics (great for typescript)
  • ,s to start a slime session with an ipython. you can change the interpreter pretty easily, which is killer. then do ,h or ,C to send code.
  • ,F to format your code perfectly every time


I started using kitty sometime in 2020, after being exhausted by waiting more than half a second for some dumb rendering to finish in my terminal. now everything is super fast and I don't even have to think about it. The config in kitty/kitty.conf is mainly my color setup.


After about a decade using zsh or fish, I've decided I don't care anymore and am tired of my shell being slow.

tiling window manager

I missed linux so much that i started using a tiling window manager, yabai. koekeishiya has been making crazy WM software for mac osx for years and this is by far the easiest, fastest, and best one.

I use skhd, as they suggest, to manage keybindings. cmd+shift+m to open my mail anywhere? yes please.


...very okay dotfiles


Language:Shell 49.5%Language:Vim Script 32.4%Language:Lua 17.8%Language:Python 0.2%