dcalacci / boston-turnout-2018

turnout map for boston in 2018

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Boston Turnout 2018

Using mapbox.gl and react

building etc


yarn build

to build.


yarn start

to start locally in dev mode. Haven't been able to get hot module reloading to work, so when you make a change, ctrl+c and run yarn start again.

To add another layer

either add a new <Source/> component under <Map/>, and use that source ID in a layer component, or add the data to the data used in the source component that's there using the code that adds turnout data:

_.each(Precincts.features, function (feature, i) {
    var ward = feature.properties.WARD_PRECI.slice(0,2);
    var precinct = feature.properties.PRECINCT;
    console.log("precinct/ward:", Number(precinct), Number(ward));
    var turnoutObj = _.find(turnout, function (t) {
        return (Number(t.precinct) == Number(precinct) && Number(t.ward) == Number(ward))

    if (turnoutObj) {
        console.log("found:", turnoutObj, "using turnout", turnoutObj.turnoutNo);
        feature.properties.turnout = Number(turnoutObj.turnoutNo);
    } else {
        feature.properties.turnout = 0;

the game is just to match the object and add feature.properties.MyProperty to each feature.


turnout map for boston in 2018


Language:JavaScript 88.7%Language:HTML 9.1%Language:CSS 2.2%