dbonsch / WebdevLinkList

List with the must have pages / articles / services for (web) developers

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PHP webdeveloper link list

Yet another linklist? What's the big idea?

Ok you have a problem and you want to solve it. Now. What would you need?

Well last thing is a list of dozens of links for exactly the same topic or problem. Right?

Normaly people are asking questions like "What to use to do XY?". The answer is often an endless list of tools or libs for exactly that problem. (Or nothing.)

Most of them high class / high quality. Diffrences are only nuances or some less technical more religious ways of how to get something done. If you are a beginner, how should you really choose the best? If you are a pro just looking for a working solution... do you really have the time to checkout all of them? Didn't you ask for the one, or a least one working solution?

Right, theres no answer that's allways right in every case, but there are answers which aren't wrong in most of the cases.

Purpose of this list is to provide a list for PHP webdevelopers (feel free to fork and create a variant {code_lang}.{human.lang}.md for other languages) with one or two solutions for a problem that:

  • proved to work
  • have an active community
  • have a good quality in content or code
  • just do the job in an adequate way

I don't say this is the only way. There are billions of ways (And thats only the number of the really good combinations). But all of this links are proofed to work, work consistent together and get the job done in a efficient good way.

Introduction into web development


PHP Frameworks

Choose one of them. Big community, high code quality, many many available extensions / modules. Easy access to professional support if required.

PHP Libraries



advanced topics

libraries and frameworks


js frameworks & libs

jQuery Plugins & Extensions

  • http://jqueryui.com/ Query UI is a curated set of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library.

Non jquery libraries


Editors & IDEs

I would recommend to choose ZendStudio or PhpStorm. Both very good IDEs but cost money. If you don't have the money checkout Aptana Studio or Netbeans.

However much more important than what you choose is to learn how to use your IDE and how to customize it and add custom actions / scrips and whatever you need. Remeber, the best IDE doesn't help if you have no idea how to use it.


QA tools

  • http://www.jshint.com/ JSHint is a tool to detect errors and potential problems in JavaScript code and can be used to enforce coding conventions. (en)


Firefox plugins

colaboration tools / services


code repos & pm

ci server

Free Colorpalets, Images, Icons Templates




Browser informations & hints

Standards & RFCs



List with the must have pages / articles / services for (web) developers