dblohm7 / Snappy-Symbolication-Server

Home Page:https://wiki.mozilla.org/Snappy_Symbolication_Server

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Provides a Web server for symbolicating Firefox stacks. It matches PC addresses to modules in memory and looks up the corresponding function names in server-side symbol files (.SYM files).

This project is intended as a drop-in replacement for Snappy Symbolication Server

Quick Start without Docker

  1. Install Python 2.7 and pip if they are not already installed. Pip must be version 8.0 or above. It can be upgraded using pip install -U 'pip>=8'.
  2. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt. You may want to do this in a virtual environment
  3. Install memcached
  4. Copy/create a configuration file and set values appropriately. See Configuration File
  5. Run python quickstart.py -c [configuration file]

The server(s) can then be stopped with python quickstart.py -c [configuration file] --stop. This will only work if quickstart was used to start the server(s).

Quick Start with Docker

  1. Install Docker
  2. It may be necessary that your user be in the Docker group. This can be accomplished in Linux with sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami). You must log out for changes to take effect.
  3. Install Python 2.7 and pip if they are not already installed. Pip must be version 8.0 or above. It can be upgraded using pip install -U 'pip>=8'.
  4. Install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt. You may want to do this in a virtual environment
  5. Copy/create a configuration file and set values appropriately. See Configuration File. To use Docker, it is important that the quickstart.Docker.enable = true.
  6. Run python quickstart.py -c [configuration file]

Quickstart attempts to do some caching in order to recreate the image and container only when necessary. The image will be built only once. The container will be recreated any time that the passed configuration changes. You can force a full rebuild with python quickstart.py -c [configuration file] -R. A full rebuild should be done anytime that the code changes.

The docker container can be stopped with python quickstart.py -c [configuration file] --stop.


An LRU cache of symbolication files. On cache misses, the file is automatically retrieved and added to the cache.

Important: The directory used for cache data (specified in the configuration as DiskCache.cachePath) must be used only for cache data. When DiskCache starts, it reads all files in the cache directory into the cache. If there is anything else in the cache path, it eventually will be evicted from the cache and deleted from the disk.

Also Important: Do not delete anything from the cache while the DiskCache is running. Doing this will screw up the cache. If DiskCache files get deleted, restart the DiskCache server.

SymServer communicates with the DiskCache with the same protocol used to make requests of SymServer.

The DiskCache imposes a size limit specified by the configuration option DiskCache.maxSizeMB. However, the size limit is not strictly observed. When a file is added to the cache, it is saved to the cache directory BEFORE evicting enough cache items to bring the cache back under its maximum size.

Symbol files can be fairly large. Currently xul.sym is 72MB. However, before being saved to the disk, the symbol data is processed to remove unnecessary data and format remaining data into a more easily searchable form. After processing xul.sym, only 13MB of data remain. This allows the cache to contain many symbols more than it would otherwise.


Utilizes two caches to quickly symbolicate stacks. The first cache is memcached. Addresses not in memcached are requested from DiskCache, which will either retrieve the symbols from the cache, or download the symbols, add them to the cache, and return them.

Takes POST requests in JSON format. This is the standard symbolication request for testing:

curl -d '{"stacks":[[[0,11723767],[1, 65802]]],"memoryMap":[["xul.pdb","44E4EC8C2F41492B9369D6B9A059577C2"],["wntdll.pdb","D74F79EB1F8D4A45ABCD2F476CCABACC2"]],"version":4}'

And the corresponding response:

{"symbolicatedStacks": [["XREMain::XRE_mainRun() (in xul.pdb)", "KiUserCallbackDispatcher (in wntdll.pdb)"]], "knownModules": [true, true]}

Note that while it is possible to run the SymServer without memcached, DiskCache is required for SymServer to operate properly.


The quickstart script is designed to make it easier to start several servers at once. The script keeps track of running instances by keeping pidfiles in a directory called "pids" in the same directory as the quickstart script. Note: If a server is started in any way other than by quickstart, its pidfile will not be written to the correct place and quickstart will assume that the server is not running and may try to start it again.

Quickstart's behavior is controlled largely by the configuration file. The configuration file must be passed to quickstart for it to start the servers. The configuration file passed will then be used by the servers that it starts as well. For more information about how to pass in a configuration file, use the --help argument.

Note that although there is a memcached binary available for Windows, quickstart does not support it because of differences in operation and command line options.

External Memcached:

Perhaps you do not want quickstart to manage memcached. This is totally fine and quickstart is happy to play nicely with already running instances of memcached (or to run without memcached). Simply set these options in the configuration file:

  • quickstart.memcached.start should be set to false.
  • SymServer.memcachedServers should be set to a list of memcached servers to use (or an empty list to operate without memcached).

More information on these options can be found in the Configuration File section.

Configuration File

The configuration file uses JSON format which can be passed in to DiskCache, SymServer, and quickstart with the -c option.

Sensible default configuration options are provided. These are overridden by anything in the passed configuration file. Options in the configuration file are, in turn, overridden by any passed command line options. Use the --help argument to learn more about command line options.

An example configuration file is included: sample_config.json.

All configuration values should be specified as strings unless otherwise noted.

Configuration Values:

  • "DiskCache" Configuration relating to the DiskCache
    • "cachePath" The directory used for cache storage.

      Important: The directory used for cache storage must be used ONLY for cache data. When DiskCache starts, it reads all files in the cache directory into the cache. If there is anything else in the cache path, it eventually will be evicted from the cache and deleted.

    • "localSymbolDirs" A list of strings, each specifying a local directory of symbols. Typically symbol directories would be generated using ./mach buildsymbols as described in Profiling local builds (without using Talos).

      Note: When you regenerate a symbol directory, remember that memcached may still be caching old symbol values. To prevent this, you can restart memcached when you regenerate symbol directories or turn it off entirely by specifying an empty list for the SymServer.memcachedServers configuration option.

    • "maxSizeMB" The maximum size of the DiskCache in megabytes. Note that the cache may, at times, be larger than this. See DiskCache for details. This value must be an integer type.

    • "port" The port number to serve the DiskCache on. Must be an integer type.

    • "symbolURLs" A list of strings, each specifying a URL from which symbols can be requested. Symbol files will be requested from each URL at <url>/<module>/<breakpadId>/<symbol filename>.

      Each URL on the list will be tried, in order, until one returns a response with a HTTP 200 status code.

    • "log" Configuration of DiskCache logging

      • "path" Path to save the log to
      • "level" Threshold for this DiskCache logger. Logging messages that are less severe than the given level will be ignored. Level must be an integer type. Level values correspond to those used by the Python logger module.
      • "maxFiles" An integer type describing how many files to use when rotating the logs.
      • "maxFileSizeMB" An integer type describing how large logs can get (in megabytes) before being rotated.
  • "SymServer" Configuration relating to the symbolication server
    • "port" The port number to serve the symbolication server on. Must be an integer type.
    • "memcachedServers" A list of strings, each denoting an address (including port number) of a memcached server. If the list is empty, memcached will not be used.
    • "DiskCacheServer" A single string specifying the address (including port number) of the DiskCache server to use
    • "log" Configuration of SymServer logging
      • "path" Path to save the log to
      • "level" Threshold for this SymServer logger. Logging messages that are less severe than the given level will be ignored. Level must be an integer type. Level values correspond to those used by the Python logger module.
      • "maxFiles" An integer type describing how many files to use when rotating the logs.
      • "maxFileSizeMB" An integer type describing how large logs can get (in megabytes) before being rotated.
  • "quickstart" Configuration options related to the quickstart script
    • "verbose" Must be a boolean type. If set to true, quickstart will display additional output. Useful for debugging. Setting this to true is equivilant to passing --verbose to the quickstart script.
    • "Docker" Configuration options related to Docker
      • "enable" Must be a boolean type. If set to true, quickstart will start the servers within a Docker container
      • "publish"
        • "memcached" Must be a boolean type. If set to true, the port that memcached is running on will be exposed to the host system. If set to false, memcached will be accessible only from within the Docker container.
        • "DiskCache" Must be a boolean type. If set to true, the port that DiskCache is running on will be exposed to the host system. If set to false, DiskCache will be accessible only from within the Docker container.
        • "SymServer" Must be a boolean type. If set to true, the port that SymServer is running on will be exposed to the host system. If set to false, SymServer will be accessible only from within the Docker container
      • "apiSocket" The socket where the Docker API is available.
    • "memcached" Configuration options related to how memcached is run by quickstart. Note: this has no effect on starting memcached in other ways.
      • "start" Must be a boolean type. If set to false, memcached will not be started by quickstart.
      • "restart" Must be a boolean type. If set to false, memcached will not be started by quickstart if it is already running. If set to true, quickstart will stop the existing memcached process and start a new one.
      • "binary" The command to run to start memcached. Must not include any arguments. If memcached is in your PATH, it is likely sufficient for this option to be set to the string "memcached". Otherwise the path to the memcached binary should be specified.
      • "port" Port for memcached to listen on. Must be an integer type.
      • "listenAddress" The address for memcached to listen on.
      • "maxMemoryMB" The maximum amount of memory memcached should use, in megabytes
    • "DiskCache" Configuration options related to how DiskCache is run by the quickstart script.
      • "start" Must be a boolean type. If set to false, DiskCache will not be started by quickstart.
      • "restart" Must be a boolean type. If set to false, DiskCache will not be started by quickstart if it is already running. If set to true, quickstart will stop the existing DiskCache process and start a new one.
    • "SymServer" Configuration options related to how SymServer is run by the quickstart script.
      • "start" Must be a boolean type. If set to false, SymServer will not be started by quickstart.
      • "restart" Must be a boolean type. If set to false, SymServer will not be started by quickstart if it is already running. If set to true, quickstart will stop the existing SymServer process and start a new one.


If you are having problems getting the server started, there are some steps you can try. First try checking the DiskCache and SymServer logs. By default they are located at DiskCache.log and SymServer.log respectively. If there are no clues there, try starting the servers without the quickstart script. Currently, the quickstart script does very little in terms of checking that the servers started properly.

  1. Start memcached. These arguments may be useful.
    • -d Run as a daemon
    • -U Port to use for UDP connections. quickstart sets this to 0 to disable UDP connections.
    • -p Port to use for TCP connections. Defaults to 11211.
    • -l Address to listen on.
    • -m Maximum memory usage of the cache in megabytes
    • -P Write PID to the specified pidfile. Only valid when combined with -d. quickstart sets this to "pids/memcached.pid"
  2. Start DiskCache with python DiskCache.py -c [config]
  3. Start SymServer with python SymServer.py -c [config]
  4. Try using curl to send a test request as described in SymServer.


The Symbolication Server includes its own tests. There are two options for running tests. python runTests.py runs all tests. python tests/test_[name].py runs just one test.

There is also the capability to use a certain configuration for testing. This is done by passing a configuration file to the runTests script with python runTests.py -c [path]. Doing this copies the configuration file to a specific location in the test directory, allowing tests to read the configuration from it, if it exists. Because the configuration is copied, it is persistant to a certain degree. When using the runTests script, any existing configuration file is deleted before the tests are run unless runTests is called with the -o/--oldConfig option. When running individual tests however, there is no option to pass a configuration file. To provide configuration when running individual tests, use python runTests.py -c [path] --noRun or python runTests.py -nc [path] to properly set up individual tests to use the specified configuration. If no configuration is provided, all default values will be used.

Some configuration options are overridden in order for testing to work properly. Temporary directories are used for the DiskCache and log files. Local symbol directories are ignored. All servers have their quickstart 'start' and 'restart' options set to true. The SymServer's configuration is overridden to force it to use only the locally started DiskCache and memcached servers.

Note that testing currently requires memcached to run locally, which means that it is not supported on Windows.

Important: These tests should not be run on a production machine that is already running SymServer, DiskCache or memcached. The tests attempt to stop any currently running servers so that test servers can be started.

If you are seeing failures because the servers cannot be started, check to see if they were already started without quickstart. If they were, quickstart cannot stop them (because it doesn't know what processes they are). When quickstart attempts to start the already running servers, they likely fail when attempting to bind to the same port that the running server is already using.

Debug Protocol

SymServer and DiskCache have a special debugging protocol. This protocol can only be used via POST requests that originate from the localhost. Like the standard communication protocol, this one accepts JSON via POST data. This protocol is used by some test scripts in order to allow for testing things like cache hits and misses. All requests using the debug protocol must contain (within the request JSON) the property "debug": true. This command is an example of how a debug request can be sent:

curl -d '{"debug": true, "action": "outputCacheHits", "enabled": true}'

Debug requests must have an "action" property with a string value. This property describes what the debug request does.

DiskCache debug actions:

  • "cacheAddRaw" Evicts any matching cache file and downloads it again, saving it byte for byte as it was received. This prevents regular file processing which normally lowers the space needed per cache file and decreases lookup times.
    • Required properties:
      • "libName" The name of the library (ex: "xul.pdb").
      • "breakpadId" The breakpad ID (ex: "44E4EC8C2F41492B9369D6B9A059577C2").
    • Response properties:
      • "path" The path of the resulting cache file. If the file could not be downloaded and added to the cache, null is returned instead.
  • "cacheGet" Gets the file from the cache. If it is not in the cache, it is downloaded and added.
    • Required properties:
      • "libName" The name of the library (ex: "xul.pdb").
      • "breakpadId" The breakpad ID (ex: "44E4EC8C2F41492B9369D6B9A059577C2").
    • Response properties:
      • "path" The path of the resulting cache file. If the file could not be downloaded and added to the cache, null is returned instead.
  • "cacheEvict" Removes the file from the cache.
    • Required properties:
      • "libName" The name of the library (ex: "xul.pdb").
      • "breakpadId" The breakpad ID (ex: "44E4EC8C2F41492B9369D6B9A059577C2").
    • Response properties:
      • "success" Will be set to true if cache now does not contain the file.
  • "cacheExists" Checks if the file is in the cache.
    • Required properties:
      • "libName" The name of the library (ex: "xul.pdb").
      • "breakpadId" The breakpad ID (ex: "44E4EC8C2F41492B9369D6B9A059577C2").
    • Response properties:
      • "exists" Will be set to true if cache contains the file.

SymServer debug actions:

  • "outputCacheHits" Toggles mode wherein standard (non-debug) requests get an additional response property: "cacheHits". It will be structured much like the "symbolicatedStacks" property: A list of lists of booleans. Each sublist represents a stack and each boolean represents whether that frame in the stack was in the cache.
    • Required properties:
      • "enabled" If true, outputCacheHits mode is turned on. If false, it is turned off.
    • Response properties:
      • "success" Will be set to true if the mode change was successful.
  • "cacheEvict" Evicts an item from the cache.
    • Required properties:
      • "libName" The name of the library (ex: "xul.pdb").
      • "breakpadId" The breakpad ID (ex: "44E4EC8C2F41492B9369D6B9A059577C2").
      • "offset" The offset of the frame (ex: "11723767")
    • Response properties:
      • "success" Will be set to true if cache now does not contain the cache entry.

To do

  • Evict files from cache if they no longer exist
  • Enforce test timeouts
  • Add ability to save log files from tests rather than discarding them



License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%