dbeley / dotfiles-pinephone

My linux config files for my pinephone.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My linux config files for my Pinephone (running Arch Linux ARM) and my OnePlus 6 (running PostMarketOS) both under the phosh desktop environment.

To install Arch Linux ARM I'm using this script).

I use stow to automatically create symbolic links.

See also my other dotfiles repo for other ideas.

Pinephone OS Install


sudo dd if=pine64-pinephone.img of=/dev/[DEVICE] bs=1M status=progress conv=fsync

Archlinux FDE

Dotfiles Install

Dependencies: see archlinux_packages.txt

sudo apt install git stow
git clone https://github.com/dbeley/dotfiles-pinephone
cd dotfiles-pinephone
rm ~/.bashrc
stow gtk bash fish git nvim oh-my-fish squeekboard tmux # will create symbolic links in your home directory
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oh-my-fish/oh-my-fish/master/bin/install | fish
cd scripts
chmod +x *.sh


wal -i Pictures/wallpaper.jpg
  • firefox: run one time, then copy user.js to ~/.mozilla/firefox/*****.default-release folder


  • archives: some config files and scripts I don't use anymore
  • bash
  • firefox: some tweaks (user.js needs to be copied manually to ~/.mozilla/firefox/*****.default-esr as the profile name is random)
  • fish
  • git
  • nvim
  • oh-my-fish
  • qutebrowser: mkdir -p ~/.config/qutebrowser
  • screenshot2app: a very simple screenshot app using grim (sudo stow -t /usr/local screenshot2app)
  • scripts: some scripts to apply my configuration
  • squeekboard: add keyboard layout for us-intl (supress continuous errors in log)
  • tmux: needs tpm


  • mobian_reset-control-center.sh: the gnome settings might crash if you open empty sections, this script resets the last seen panel of the gnome control center.
  • mobian_settings.sh: some settings I use
  • mobian_theme.sh: set the gtk theme to Adwaita-dark and the icon theme to Papirus-Dark (the papirus icon pack is generally not installed by default on most distros)
  • waydroid-delete-apps-from-drawer.sh: delete all waydroid apps (except waydroid itself) from phosh drawer


A lot of linux mobile apps use flatpak as a mean of installation. See flatpak_packages.txt.


sudo pacman -S flatpak
flatpak install flathub org.nanuc.Axolotl


sudo apk add flatpak
sudo flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo



sudo pacman -S waydroid-image
sudo waydroid init -f
sudo systemctl enable --now waydroid-container


pmbootstrap kconfig edit linux-postmarketos-qcom-sdm845
# General setup ─> Control Group Support ─> CPU controller ─> Group scheduling for SCHED_RR/FIFO
pmbootstrap build --force linux-postmarketos-qcom-sdm845
pmbootstrap flasher flash_kernel

sudo apk add waydroid
sudo rc-update add cgroups default # optional
sudo rc-service cgroups start
sudo apk add iptables dnsmasq

sudo waydroid init

sudo rc-service waydroid-container start
sudo rc-update add waydroid-container default # optional
waydroid status


French ISP orange doesn't work well out-of-the-box. Adding an "APN" with the following settings fixes mobile data:

  • Name: orange world
  • APN: orange
  • user: orange
  • password: orange


My linux config files for my pinephone.


Language:Python 44.9%Language:Shell 25.9%Language:Vim Script 15.7%Language:JavaScript 13.6%