db47h / grog

OpenGL and OpenGLES 2D library for Go

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


grog is a fairly low-level 2D library for Go on top of OpenGL 2.1+ or OpenGLES 2.0+.


The idea is to alleviate some of the pain of using the OpenGL API while using as few abstractions as possible and still providing full access to the OpenGL API.

  • An asset manager to handle asynchronous loading textures and fonts

  • Batch drawing of textures and regions. The main loop looks like:

        // keep track of screen or framebuffer geometry
        var fb grog.Screen
        // keep frame buffer size updated in the appropriate event handler
        // and gl.Viewport set accordingly.
        sw, sh := window.GetFramebufferSize()
        fb.SetSize(image.Pt(sw, sh))
        gl.Viewport(0, 0, sw, sh)
        // create a new concurrent batch
        b := grog.NewBatch(true)
        for !window.ShouldClose() {
            // sprites is defined somewhere else as var sprites []texture.Region
            for i := range sprites {
                b.Draw(&sprites[i], spritePos[i], grog.Pt(1, 1), 0, nil)
  • Concurrent and non-concurrent batch.

  • Text rendering (with very decent results).

  • Support for multiple independent views with out of the box support for zooming/panning.

  • grog is NOT tied into any OpenGL context creation toolkit like GLFW or SDL2. Use the one you like, roll your own event loop. See cmd/demo/demo_glfw.go.

Not really features, but worth mentioning:

  • NOT game oriented: since you have control over the event loop, feel free to wait for events before drawing. Or draw only whenever is necessary.
  • The loop sub-package provides implementations for different event loop models with configurable timestep and frame rate clamping.
  • No built-in Z coordinate handling. Z-order must be managed by the client code (just draw in the proper order). This might end-up being implemented, depending on available time for trying different solutions.
  • All OpenGL calls must be done from the main thread (this is required on some OSes).

Demo app

Run the demo:

go run ./cmd/demo

This will use the OpenGL 2.1 API with GLFW for window creation and OpenGL context handling. You can try with GLES2 API:

go run -tags "gles2" ./cmd/demo

Left mouse button + mouse or the arrow keys to pan the top view, mouse wheel to zoom-in/out and escape to quit. Press space to switch to a tilemap view with 320x 320 tiles of 16x16 pixels (that's 102400 tiles).

The "ups" value in the top right corner of the screen is 1/(average_render_time). This value can be misleading: you can have 60 fps and 120 ups but with the CPU at only 10% load and its clock speed well below its maximum. So 120 ups here doesn't mean that you can draw twice as many quads, it's in fact much more. The actual limit is when the ups value gets very close to the fps value.

On Linux, more precisely Ubuntu 18.04, there are a few animation hiccups when NOT running in fullscreen mode. This is the same for all OpenGL applications. (I suspect the compositor to silently drop frames). Just run in fullscreen if you need smooth animations.


Before trying out grog, you might want to check out pixel, ebiten or engo for games, or fyne for UI apps. These engines are much more feature rich than grog.

So why another engine? The existing ones have either an API I don't like, don't expose OpenGL, are way too heavy for my needs, have tons of external dependencies (licensing nightmare), or a combination of those.

grog's API semantics are very close to OpenGL's (for better or worse) and mix well with custom OpenGL code.

grog's external dependencies are limited to:

  • golang.org/x/...
  • github.com/golang/freetype
  • some of my own repositories (which are and will remain under the same license as grog).

Additionally, you will need github.com/go-gl/glfw, github.com/veandco/go-sdl2/sdl or any other toolkit capable of creating GL contexts.

Of OpenGL bindings, cgo and performance

The OpenGL API bindings require cgo and performance of cgo calls is notoriously bad. This has however improved a lot and is currently around 80ns per call on a low end CPU with Go 1.12.

This is optimized in grog by using a batch (nothing new here), available in single threaded and concurrent versions plus custom OpenGL bindings (generated by gogl, NOT go-gl) that allow writing part of the GL code in C; like placing the usual call sequence glBindTexture, glBufferSubData and glDrawElements into a single C function; you get 3 cgo calls for the price of one.

This last optimization is not yet enabled, and if this proves to give only minor performance gains, we might end up using go-gl and/or android-go for the OpenGL bindings.

In its current state, grog can display over 70000 fully animated quads (including text rendering) at 60 fps on a low-end CPU (AMD FX6300) with the concurrent batch, and 50000 with the non-concurrent version. For reference, a tile map of 16x16 tiles on a 1920x1080 screen needs 8100 quads.

The concurrent batch does the model matrix transforms concurrently. This works well as long as quads are drawn from texture atlases. If gl.BindTexture needs to be called for every quad drawn (i.e. the batch is flushed after every quad), the 60 fps limit is reached at 5200 quads for the non-concurrent batch and only 640 for the concurrent one. On a i5 6300U @2.3GHz, this same test runs at 30 fps and 110 fps respectively. Channels are twice as fast on the i5 compared to the FX and this clearly shows that channels are the bottleneck in this scenario.

Speaking of Go channels, there's also gomobile/gl where OpenGL calls go through a worker goroutine via a channel. It has the interesting property that code calling OpenGL functions does not need to run on the main thread. However, considering that OpenGL is a state machine, state changes must be issued in a specific order in order to obtain a specific result. As a consequence, the rendering code must either use some complex sync mechanism between goroutines that draw things, or do everything from a single goroutine (back to square one). There are so many ways around this main-thread limitation that I don't really see any real benefit here. Additionally, using a channel results in a 450ns overhead per call on the same low-end CPU (half that on a i5 6300U @2.3GHz). This doesn't bode well performance wise, but I might test it at some point.

Supported platforms

Desktop: Anywhere you can create an use an OpenGL context with the OpenGL 2.1 API. This should cover Windows, macOS, Linux and BSDs. The gl sub-package may not provide the proper build flags for Windows/macOS; contributions welcome!

Mobile: Android support is planned. Contributions welcome for iOS.

Only OpenGL and OpenGL ES will be supported for the time being.


Missing features

In no particular order:

  • batch: add optional culling
  • batch: add a raw draw function where the caller has already done the model transform. Or some other way to easily implement relative positioning.
  • Add optional support for OpenGLES 3.x and higher versions of OpenGL (right now, OpenGLES 2.0 and OpenGL 2.1 only) => this depends on gogl
  • rotated text rendering


  • text: faster glyph cache map.
  • text: Implement a custom rasterizer based on golang.org/x/image/vector?
  • text: add hints/tips to package, like "for readable text, don't draw fonts at non-integer x/y coordinates"
  • batch: reduce allocs/GC usage.

grog is not a full fledged engine (yet)

By a full fledged engine, I mean an abstraction layer on top of SDL2 or GLFW (plus event loop). Both have very different event handling mechanisms: one uses an event queue while the other uses callbacks. The engine needs to somehow merge both into a single coherent API.

There's been some work on this topic (see the app package in the engine branch) but it quickly ran into some major issues, especially around input handling.

In a properly behaved game where the hero is moved with the WASD keys, because users with non QWERTY keyboards should not have to configure keyboard mappings before playing, all we care about in the event loop is the physical position (scancode) of the keys, regardless of the user's keyboard layout (mapping of scancodes to keycodes).

However, in the keyboard configuration UI, we want to display the keycode. So depending on the keyboard layout, we'll display something like "Move up -> W" or "Move Up -> Z". Same in some tutorial text: "Press Y to drop your weapon", or "Press Z..." for a German keyboard.

This is really easy to get right with SDL2 where scancodes are a well defined enumeration (regardless of OS), not so much with GLFW. Merging both behaviors into a single coherent API is no small task. Also this requires GLFW 3.3 for which Go bindings are not yet in a usable state: see go-gl/glfw#219, and go-gl/glfw#234 that needs to be backported. So I ended up disabling GLFW support until that PR landed, and besides some dumb init code for GL with SDL, the end result was a useless 1:1 layer on top of the SDL API.

Since the whole thing got pointless, for the time being, the main focus is on the core library. The demo is slowly being rewritten to decouple the backend from the demo code so that you can just grab the backend init code to get quickly up and running with your own application.


OpenGL and OpenGLES 2D library for Go

License:ISC License


Language:C 63.0%Language:Go 37.0%