dayvid3 / Vivaldi-Tracker_Ad_Blocking_Lists-Customized

Vivaldi: Custom Tracker and Ad Blocker Sources

Repository from Github https://github.comdayvid3/Vivaldi-Tracker_Ad_Blocking_Lists-CustomizedRepository from Github https://github.comdayvid3/Vivaldi-Tracker_Ad_Blocking_Lists-Customized

Vivaldi: Tracker / Ad Blocking Lists (Customized)

This is the current collection of Tracker and Ad-Blocking sources that I am using with Vivaldi's native ad-blocker, to enhance its effectiveness. I’ve tried to minimize sources with overlapping rules See below. Enable any additional Regions / Language sources that are relevant to your needs.

Vivaldi’s Block Trackers and Ads guide can help you get started (There are mobile guides as well). Once you get to that point, my sources of choice are below.

  • Disable all the Built-In rules except those listed below. You will then have to enable the sources that aren’t on by default.
  • Manually add the Custom sources in their appropriate sections - Tracker Blocking or Ad-Blocking

Tracker Blocking Sources

Ad Blocking Sources

Evaluating Sources

Ironically, I'm using a uBlock Origin feature to check if different filter lists are being utilized enough to justify adding each list, or if some lists have so much overlap, that they are redundant. I disable all the existing uBO filters and import the native Vivaldi sources and custom filters. As shown below, you can see how many rules from each list are being utilized.

*Note: If lists have overlapping rules, the first list enabled will use those rules, and the next list will not show those rules as used. If the first list is disabled, the second list will change and show those rules now being used. If the first list is re-enabled, it will be the one that shows the overlapping rules as not used.

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Vivaldi: Custom Tracker and Ad Blocker Sources


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