dawright22 / multi-cloud-connected

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A terraform module to create a basic MariaDB SQL service and the Transit APP that is configured to use Dynamic Secrets and Transit Encryption using Vault. To conect these service Consul is configuread as a service registory.


If you clone the repo and run an apply without changing anything a random pet name will be created with the TFE prefix and used in each cluster

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 0.12"

resource "random_pet" "name" {
  prefix = "TFE"
  length = 1

module "Cluster_EKS" {
  source       = "./Cluster_EKS"
  cluster-name = "${random_pet.name.id}"

module "Cluster_AKS" {
  source       = "./Cluster_AKS"
  cluster-name = "${random_pet.name.id}"

module "Cluster_GKE" {
  source       = "./Cluster_GKE"
  cluster_name = "${random_pet.name.id}"


Before you run this you will need to:

1.You will need to auth to GCP,Azure and AWS

2.Install helm 3

3.Install aswcli v2 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-install.html

4.Install GKE SDK https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/downloads-interactive

5.Insall Azure Cli https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli-macos?view=azure-cli-latest

6.Clone this repo

7.Run terraform init



You will need to set the following variables to be relevant to your envrioment:

variable "appId" 
  default = "41111111111111111111111"

variable "password" 
  default = "c3444444444444444444444444444444"

variable "location" 
  default = "Australia East"


You will need to set the following variables to be relevant to your envrioment:

variable "aws_region" 


You will need to set the following variables to be relevant to your envrioment:

variable "gcp_region" 

  description = "GCP region, e.g. us-east1"
  default     = "australia-southeast1"

variable "gcp_zone" 

  description = "GCP zone, e.g. us-east1-b (which must be in gcp_region)"
  default     = "australia-southeast1-c"

variable "gcp_project" 

  description = "GCP project name"
  default     = "your-project-name"


Here you can name the clusters by altering the following:

cluster_name = "your-name"


The Terraform will locally install the user creds into your kubectl config file so that you can switch between the clusters use the kubectl config get-contexts command to see cluster names

App deployment

Use the kubectl config user-context to set the enviroment you wish to deploy too. CD into the main app_stack directory in there you will see app_ stacks which are cloud specifc namaged K8 clusters. CD into the enviroment you wish to deploy too and run


run kubectl get svc to see the EXTERNAL-IP to connect to for the service.

What you get!


You can connect to the consul UI and see the services registerd using http://

it should look like this:


You can connect to the Vault UI and see the secrets engines enabled using http://<EXTERNAL_IP:8200>

You will need to login in using the ROOT TOKEN from the init.json file located in app_stack/app_/vault/init.json to authenticate

it should look like this:


You can connect to the Vault UI and see the secrets engines enabled using http://<EXTERNAL_IP:5000>

Clean up

To delete your enviroments you need to run

./clean.sh in each of the K8 clusters

then run terraform destroy

To clean up you will want to remove the user profile from your kubeconfig


If you want to run this demo for a second time

please check to see if app_stack/app_cloud_name/vault/init.txt exists.

If it does please remove it before running again.

inspired and leverage code from this article




Language:Shell 71.5%Language:Python 8.9%Language:HTML 8.4%Language:Smarty 5.6%Language:HCL 3.6%Language:Dockerfile 1.0%Language:Makefile 1.0%