davla / prime-services

Prime-calculating services in REST and gRPC

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Prime-calculating services in REST and gRPC

This project includes a gRPC server that exposes methods to return a sequence of prime numbers that are less than or equal to a given upper bound, and a companion REST proxy.

Build and run

This project is built with sbt, mostly because I used it a little in the past and I wanted to refresh my memory. 😉 Gradle would have been a valid alternative, but I became quite confident with it recently, and I really wanted to use something different.

Since this is a standard sbt project, the usual sbt commands will work. Just for the sake of completeness, the most useful are listed here:

sbt compile   # compiles the source
sbt '~test'   # executes the tests whever the source files change
sbt run       # executes the project's entry point


In order to make it easier to run and test the services without having the build tools installed on the local machine, a Docker image has been created. The image contains the project compilation output ready to be executed, and it's available on Docker Hub as davla/prime-services. The image is by no means intended for production use, mostly because I don't have the knowledge to make it so. 😬

A docker-compose file is also provided, as a form of "executable documentation" on how containers should be created from the docker image to run and test the services. There are three services defined in docker-compose.yml:

  • grpc - the gRPC server
  • rest - the rest server
  • test - convenience service to run the tests

grpc and rest can be run together on the same host by means of docker-compose up, and individually via docker-compose run. test is not executed by default with docker-compose up, and it's meant to only be run individually. It's worth mentioning that when running within docker, as opposed to locally, some configuration parameters need to be different, and are thus overridden via CLI arguments to the container command. This is shown in the docker-compose file.

Both Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml have been written by hand, rather than auto-generated via sbt plugins like sbt-docker. This is because I know Docker well enough to be able to configure it by myself, and I see no point in relaying the configuration through third-party integrations if I can carry out the job efficiently myself. In general, I believe that if you use a tool extensively in your daily job, you should spend the due time to learn to use it directly, without relying on third-party integration with the rest of the tooling you use.

Project structure

The project comprises three different areas:

  • the main domain logic (prime numbers computation)
  • the gRPC service
  • the REST proxy service

While the main domain logic leverages solely the Scala standard library, both the gRPC and the REST services are implemented using the plain Akka platform.

I purposefully chose not to use higher-level frameworks such as Logom, mostly because I don't have the necessary knowledge in building microservices to assess whether this type of frameworks would fit my use-case. In fact, high-level frameworks tend to be more opinionated than generalist platforms like Akka, making specific use-cases very simple to handle, but at the same time making everything else extremely hard.

Main domain logic

The main domain logic is implemented in the PrimesUpTo object.

The domain logic consists of returning a sequence of prime numbers that are less than or equal to a given upper bound.

This logic has been split from the rest since:

  • it is independent of the API chosen for the service
  • it improves testability (less mocking, more focus on the logic, etc.)

Testing includes both property and scenario tests. The former has been chosen where feasible, being this a mathematical type of logic. Whenever scenario tests have been written instead, the reasons are explained in a comment.

The code is organized so that it supports multiple implementation of the logic itself. This is reflected in the test suite, which has been generalized into a behavior trait, so as to ease code reuse.

However, there is currently only one implementation of the domain logic. This is because I'm satisfied with the result, and there is no requirement to optimize for efficiency. In such case, more efficient implementations could still easily be added and tested.

Error handling

Errors in the domain logic are reported via exceptions. This controverse decision reflects my "beliefs" on exceptions and partial computations.

My opinion on the topic can be phrased in many different ways, but shortly, I don't think that input validation is a good reason to make a computation partial.

In most cases invalid input can be considered an unverified precondition of a function, rather than an intrinsic property of its semantics. In my view, partiality should only be owed to the latter, hence the use of exceptions.

However, I do think as well that this approach is very not pragmatic: exceptions are not part of a function's signature (:rage: Java's checked exceptions :rage:), which makes them go unnoticed. In larger codebases, exceptions flying around are mostly a cause of instability. Nonetheless, this is not the case for this small project. :smirk:

gRPC service

The protobuf contracts are defined in primes.proto. The gRPC service provides a single method GetPrimesUpTo that responds with a list of prime numbers given a request with an upper bound.

The gRPC service is implemented in the PrimesGrpcService class. The class doesn't contain a full-blown HTTP/2 server that can be executed, but rather only the gRPC service logic. This allows straightforward unit testing of the gRPC API, without worrying about the HTTP/2 wrapping layer.

The service is a standard ScalaPB service, which processes each request as an asynchronous task by means of scala Futures. This behavior could have been wrapped in an actor-model pattern utilizing the same approach as the REST service (described below), which is based on Akka's ActorContext.pipeToSelf. However, this has not been done due to lack of time and close analogy with another part of the system. The scatter-gather pattern was also considered as an alternative. Nonetheless, it has not been chosen, as the pattern is mostly advantageous for parallelized algorithms that can be partitioned across different actors, which is not the case for our domain logic algorithm.

The gRPC service doesn't perform any input validation itself, delegating that to the domain logic, in order not to duplicate the validation logic. Errors from the main domain logic are reported via google.rpc.Status protobuf message type, as defined in the Google API protobuf Error model.

The HTTP/2 server is implemented in the PrimesGrpcServer object. This is where the main method resides, which starts an HTTP/2 server implemented via the Akka HTTP library. The glue code between HTTP/2 and gRPC is provided instead by the Akka gRPC project. This class is not directly unit tested, since it's mostly made of boilerplate code, but rather end-to-end tested together with the gRPC client.

The gRPC client is again a standard ScalaPB client, whose creation is wrapped in the PrimesGrpcClient object. Similarly to PrimesGrpcServer, this object consists mostly of boilerplate code, and is as such not unit tested, but rather end-to-end tested together with the gRPC-HTTP/2 server.

In spite of end-to-end testing, the gRPC client-server interaction still doesn't work exactly as expected. The INVALID_ARGUMENT error sent by the server as a reaction to IllegalArgumentException from the domain logic is not propagated by the ScalaPB-generated gRPC client, which reports a generic INTERNAL error. This might be by design, and it would hence require further investigation, which has not been carried out due to lack of time. Nevertheless, unit tests still account for INVALID_ARGUMENT to be handled differently: not only testing should be not concerned with implementation details, but also the components in a microservice-based system should be as decoupled as possible to one another.

REST service

The REST service is implemented as an Akka HTTP server.

The routes are defined in the PrimesRestRoutes class. Each request is served by sending the appropriate message to a single PrimesBackend actor (described below) and then transforming its reply to make it fit the Akka HTTP model. No input validation is performed in the REST service itself, so that the validation logic is not duplicated. All the errors come from the PrimesBackend actor, and are then mapped to appropriate HTTP status codes (e.g. invalid inputs are reported as "401 Bad Request").

The PrimesBackend actor is a straightforward actor-model wrapper around the future-based API exposed by the gRPC PrimesServiceClient. It mainly leverages the Akka ActorContext.pipeToSelf method to receive the results from the gRPC calls as messages, whose content is then forwarded as replies. The actor doesn't spawn children to handle incoming messages, but rather executes the processing directly. Indeed such processing consists mostly of task-based asynchronous I/O operations, which can be executed directly in the actor system execution context, without the need to wrap it into a child actor. In order not to overload the gRPC server with requests, a simple client-side capping mechanism on the number of pending requests has been implemented.

The REST routes are separated from the HTTP Server boilerplate code both to clarify where the actual business logic is, and to ease unit testing: first, by making it possible to test the REST logic directly, without having to deal with the HTTP server glue code; second by allowing dependency injection of the gRPC client, which eases the test fixture setup and the simulation of error scenarios.

The HTTP server backing the routes is implemented in the PrimesRestServer object. As mentioned before, it is powered by Akka HTTP. Once more, since it is mostly glue code, the server itself has not been unit tested. However, unlike the gRPC server, this server has not been end-to-end tested, as there's no pre-made client available for testing and no need to implement one in the system's own logic.

Development process

Since this is a solo project, I find it nonsense to use pull requests. However, I'm still using git. 😁 This means that features are still developed in their own branch, which are then merged into main by what I find most appropriate based on the situation (merge commit, squash commit or fast-forward).


Prime-calculating services in REST and gRPC

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Scala 98.0%Language:Dockerfile 2.0%