davinerd / wazuh_terraform

Terraform module for Wazuh (https://wazuh.com/). This is a fork of https://github.com/Cimpress-MCP/terraform/tree/master/ossec_wazuh

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The following module spins up a Wazuh-OSSEC environment. It creates:

  • an Elastic Load Balancer (classic) alongside an S3 bucket for logging
  • an AutoScaling Group
  • two S3 buckets, one for the georeplica and the other for logs
  • related IAM roles to make everything works
  • associate a DNS to the ELB with an ACM certificate

It supports SSL/TLS termination on the ELB with TLS 1.2 with strong chipers.

For more details please take a look here.


  • working AWS credentials
  • aws cli
  • terraform
  • htpasswd

Input variables

  • wazuh_name - Name to assign to the whole infrastructure.
  • wazuh_username - Username to access Wazuh's API
  • wazuh_passwd - Password to access Wazuh's API
  • upload_path - Directory where to store files to be uploaded to S3
  • s3_bucket_name - S3 bucket name
  • s3_replica_region - S3 replica region
  • keypair_name - Keypair name used to access EC2 instances
  • asg_number_of_instances - Maximum number of instances in ASG (default to 1).
  • asg_minimum_number_of_instances - Minimum number of instances in ASG (default to 1).
  • extra_tags - A map of additional tags to add to ELBs and SGs. Each element in the map must have the key = value format.
  • cluster_extra_tags - A list of additional tags to add to each Instance in the ASG. Each element in the list must be a map with the keys key, value, and propagate_at_launch.
  • ossec_ami_id - AMI ID to use.
  • ossec_instance_type - EC2 instance type (default t2.micro).
  • vpc_id - VPC ID where to spin the infrastructure.
  • subnet_pub_ids - Public subnet IDs where to spin the ELB.
  • subnet_priv_ids - Private subnet IDs where to spin the EC2 instances.
  • bastion_host_sg_id - Security Group ID of the bastion host (used to SSH into EC2 intances).
  • sns_topic - SNS topic to use for ASG notifications.
  • dns_name - The DNS name to associate with the ELB. It's the infrastructure's endpoint.
  • route53_zone_id - Route53 Zone ID, used to create the DNS name.

Output variables

  • wazuh_asg_name - Name of the ASG.
  • lb_zone_id - Load balancer ID.
  • lb_dns - Load balancer DNS name.
  • lb_name - Load balancer name


You can see a complete example usage in the example directory within this repository.

Here is a simple usage:

module "ossec" {
  source = "git::https://github.com/Cimpress-MCP/terraform.git//ossec_wazuh"

  vpc_id = "vpc-e568d381"

  extra_tags = {
    project = "wazuh",
    squad = "SET"

  cluster_extra_tags = [
      key = "chaos_monkey"
      value = "true"
      propagate_at_launch = true
    }, {
      key = "project"
      value = "wazuh3"
      propagate_at_launch = true
    }, {
      key = "squad"
      value = "SET"
      propagate_at_launch = true

  subnet_pub_ids = "subnet-99a114c1,subnet-e1a43c97"
  subnet_priv_ids = "subnet-e2a93b94,subnet-e6a194be"

  wazuh_name = "wazuh"

  wazuh_username = "contemascetti"
  wazuh_passwd = "antani"
  s3_bucket_name = "fim-bucket"
  s3_replica_region = "us-west-1"

  upload_path = "${path.root}/upload/ossec"

  keypair_name = "fim_keypair"

  ossec_ami_id = "ami-123431"

  bastion_host_sg_id = "sg-12132121"

  sns_topic = "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:XXXXXXXX:SlackNotify"

  dns_name = "supercazzola.example.com"
  route53_zone_id = "ZC918BNT12XX"

Packer AMI

In the directory packer-ami there is a script (build.sh) that calls packer to create a Wazuh AMI in your AWS account.

Simply run it with:

packer-ami/$ bash build.sh

It creates a CIS hardened (using the script found here) AMI with an encrypted snapshot.


Terraform module for Wazuh (https://wazuh.com/). This is a fork of https://github.com/Cimpress-MCP/terraform/tree/master/ossec_wazuh

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HCL 86.8%Language:Shell 13.2%