davidthingsaker / laravel-validator

Laravel style jquery validation plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Laravel style jquery validation plugin

Validator is a jQuery plugin that emulates the validation class found in the laravel framework.


The validator plugin will return an instance of the validator object.

Basic Validation Example

var contactForm = $('form').validator({
    'name' : 'required|max:12'

Without a jQuery collection

When a jQuery collection is not being used as the data source, you can use an object as the first argument as the data source.

var contactForm = $.validator(
    {'name' : 'Alice'},
    {'name' : 'required|max:12'}

The fails and passes functions are used to perform the validation once a Validator object has been created. These methods take an anonymous function as there only arguments which will be called once the validation occurs.

contactForm.fails(function( messages ){
     // The given data did not pass validation

The context of these functions is the data source. They also returns a Boolean value.

     // The given data did not pass validation

Error Messages

all() Retrives all the messages on all fields

allElements() Retrives all the elements with messages

get( String field ) Retrives all the messages on a particular field

any() returns true if any fields have any messages

count() returns the number of messages over all the fields

first( String field ) gets the first message on a particular element

has( String field ) checks if a given field has any messages

Custom Messages

A JSON array of custom error messages can be passed as a third argument. Occurances of :attribute will be replaced with the field name as well as rule parameters when applicable.

var contactForm = $(this).validator(
    {'name'    :'required|between:1,10|alpha_dash'},
    {'between' :':attribute must be between :min and :max'}

Specifying A Custom Message For A Given Attribute

var contactForm = $(this).validator(
    {'name'         :'required|between:1,10|alpha_dash'},
    {'name.between' :':attribute must be between :min and :max'}

Validation Rules

Most of the Validation rules in the laravel framework are also avaliable in this plugin, with the exceptions of Active URL, Date Format, Exists (Database), Image (File), MIME Types and Unique (Database). You can find more information on the validation rules in the laravel documentation

  • After (Date) after:date
  • alpha_dash alpha
  • Alpha Dash alpha_dash
  • Alpha Numericalpha_num
  • Before (Date)before:date
  • Between between:min,max
  • Confirmed confirmed
  • Date date
  • Different different:field
  • E-Mail email
  • In in:foo,bar...
  • Integer Integer
  • IP Address ip
  • Max max:value
  • Min min:value
  • Not In not_in:foo,bar...
  • Numeric numeric
  • Regular Expressionregex:pattern
  • Required equired
  • Required If required_if:field,value
  • Required With required_with:foo,bar...
  • Required Without required_without:foo,bar...
  • Same same:field
  • Size size:value
  • URL url

Custom Rules

The extend function takes three arguments. the final argument is an array of message placeholders. The rule parameters are mapped onto this array. In the example below, occurances of :foo get replaced with the value of parameters[0]

contactForm.extend('myRule', function(attribute, value, parameters){
     // Return Boolean
}, [':foo', ':bar']);


The following toggles the error class on fields with errors and submits the form once it has been successfully validated.


    $('form input').removeClass('error');
    var contactForm = $(this).validator({
        'name' :'required|max:12',
        'email' : 'required|email'

    contactForm.fails(function( messages ){


This repo was initially forked from Tom-Alexander


Laravel style jquery validation plugin


Language:JavaScript 87.2%Language:CoffeeScript 12.8%