davidstutz / robust-generalization-flatness

Implementation of average- and worst-case robust flatness measures for adversarial training.

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Relating Adversarially Robust Generalization to Flat Minima

This repository contains code corresponding to the MLSys'21 paper:

D. Stutz, M. Hein, B. Schiele. Relating Adversarially Robust Generalization to Flat Minima. ICCV, 2021.

Please cite as:

    author    = {David Stutz and Matthias Hein and Bernt Schiele},
    title     = {Relating Adversarially Robust Generalization to Flat Minima},
    booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
    publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
    year      = {2021}

Also check the project page.

This repository allows to reproduce experiments reported in the paper or use the correspondsing quantization, weight clipping or training procedures as standalone components.

Relating Adversarially Robust Generalization to Flat Minima.



The following list includes all Python packages required

  • torch (including torch.utils.tensorboard)
  • torchvision
  • tensorflow
  • tensorboard
  • h5py
  • json
  • numpy
  • zipfile
  • umap
  • sklearn
  • imageio
  • scipy
  • imgaug

The requirements can be checked using python3 tests/test_installation.py. If everything works correctly, all tests in tests/ should run without failure.

Code tested with the following versions:

  • Debain 9
  • Python 3.5.3
  • torch 1.3.1+cu92 (with CUDA 9.2)
  • torchvision 0.4.2+cu92
  • tensorflow 1.14.0
  • tensorboard 1.14.0
  • h5py 2.9.0
  • numpy 1.18.2
  • scipy 1.4.1
  • sklearn 0.22.1
  • imageio 2.5.0
  • imgaug 0.2.9
  • gcc 6.3.0

Also see environment.yml for a (not minimal) export of the used environment.

Download Datasets

To prepare experiments, datasets need to be downloaded and their paths need to be specified:

Check common/paths.py and adapt the following variables appropriately:

# Absolute path to the data directory:
# BASE_DATA/mnist will contain MNIST
# BASE_DATA/Cifar10 (capitlization!) will contain Cifar10
# BASE_DATA/Cifar100 (capitlization!) will contain Cifar100
BASE_DATA = '/absolute/path/to/data/directory/'
# Absolute path to experiments directory, experimental results will be written here (i.e., models, perturbed models ...)
BASE_EXPERIMENTS = '/absolute/path/to/experiments/directory/'
# Absolute path to log directory (for TensorBoard logs).
BASE_LOGS = '/absolute/path/to/log/directory/'
# Absolute path to code directory (this should point to the root directory of this repository)
BASE_CODE = '/absolute/path/to/root/of/this/repository/'

Download datasets and copy to the appropriate places. Note that MNIST is only needed for tests and is not used in the paper's experiments.

Note that MNIST was not used in the paper, but will be required when running some tests in tests/!

Dataset Download
MNIST mnist.zip
CIFAR10 cifar10.zip
TinyImages 500k tinyimages500k.zip

Manual Conversion of Datasets

Download MNIST and 500k tiny images from the original sources [1,2]. Then, use the scripts in data to convert and check the datasets. For the code to run properly, the datasets are converted to HDF5 format. Cifar is downloaded automatically.

[1] http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
[2] https://github.com/yaircarmon/semisup-adv

The final dataset directory structure should look as follows:

|- t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz (downloaded)
|- t10k-labels-idx-ubyte.gz (downloaded)
|- train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz (downloaded)
|- train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz (downloaded)
|- train_images.h5 (from data/mnist/convert_mnist.py)
|- test_images.h5 (from data/mnist/convert_mnist.py)
|- train_labels.h5 (from data/mnist/convert_mnist.py)
|- test_labels.h5 (from data/mnist/convert_mnist.py)
|- cifar-10-batches-py (from torchvision)
|- cifar-10-python.tar.gz (from torchvision)
|- train_images.h5 (from data/cifar10/convert_cifar.py)
|- test_images.h5 (from data/cifar10/convert_cifar.py)
|- train_labels.h5 (from data/cifar10/convert_cifar.py)
|- test_labels.h5 (from data/cifar10/convert_cifar.py)
|- train_images.h5
|- train_labels.h5

Standalone Components

There are various components that can be used in a standalone fashion. To highlight a few of them:

  • Training procedures for adversarial training variants:
    • Vanilla adversarial training - common/train/adversarial_training.py
    • Adversarial training with (adversarial) weight perturbations - common/train/adversarial_weights_inputs_training.py
    • Adversarial training with semi-supervision - common/train/adversarial_semi_supervised_training.py
    • Adversarial training with Entropy-SGD - common/train/entropy_adversarial_training.py
    • TRADES or MART - common/train/[mart|trades]_adversarial_training.py
  • Adversarial attacks:
    • PGD and variants - attacks/batch_gradient_descent.py
    • AutoAttack - attacks/batch_auto_attack.py
  • Computing Hessian eigenvalues and vectors - common/hessian.py

In the following, there are some examples of how to compute average- and worst-case flatness on clean and robust cross-entropy loss.

For the below examples, make sure to download CIFAR10 and setup the variables in common/paths.py as described above!

Clean Flatness

Examples for computing average- and worst-case flatness on the clean loss can be found in examples/average_flatness.py and examples/worst_flatness.py. The following code snippet shows an excerpt for computing average-case flatness:

# imports ...    
# load model
state = common.state.State.load(model_file)
model = state.model
if cuda:
    model = model.cuda()

# setup set to compute flatness on
# use only one batch for simplicity, in the paper we use 1000 examples instead
testset = common.datasets.Cifar10TestSet(indices=numpy.array(list(range(128))))
testloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(testset, batch_size=128, shuffle=False)

# make sure that no normalization layers are attacked:
def no_normalization(model):
    exclude_layers = ['whiten', 'rebn', 'norm', 'downsample.1', 'bn', 'shortcut.1']
    n_parameters = len(list(model.parameters()))
    parameters = dict(model.named_parameters())
    names = list(parameters.keys())
    assert len(names) == n_parameters
    layers = []
    for i in range(len(names)):
        if parameters[names[i]].requires_grad:
            exclude = False
            for e in exclude_layers:
                if names[i].find(e) >= 0:
                    exclude = True
            if not exclude:
    return layers

# the "weight attack", i.e., random weight perturbations
error_rate = 0.5
weight_attack = attacks.weights.RandomAttack()
weight_attack.epochs = 1
weight_attack.initialization = attacks.weights.initializations.LayerWiseL2UniformSphereInitialization(error_rate)
weight_attack.norm = attacks.weights.norms.L2Norm()
weight_attack.projection = None
weight_attack.get_layers = no_normalization

# compute clean probabilities on test set and evaluate
reference_probabilities = common.test.test(model, testloader, cuda=cuda)
reference_evaluation = common.eval.CleanEvaluation(reference_probabilities, testset.labels)

# run the weight attack, i.e., compute loss with weight perturbations
# we need to manually evaluate each perturbed model
writer = common.summary.SummaryWriter()
weight_objective = attacks.weights.objectives.UntargetedF0Objective()
perturbed_models = common.test.attack_weights(
    model, testloader, weight_attack, weight_objective, attempts=10, writer=writer, cuda=cuda)
evaluations = []
for perturbed_model in perturbed_models:
    if cuda:
        perturbed_model = perturbed_model.cuda()
    probabilities = common.test.test(perturbed_model, testloader, cuda=cuda)
    evaluations.append(common.eval.AdversarialWeightsEvaluation(reference_probabilities, probabilities, testset.labels))
weight_evaluation = common.eval.EvaluationStatistics(evaluations)

reference_loss = reference_evaluation.loss()
perturbed_loss, _ = weight_evaluation('robust_loss', 'mean')
print('reference loss:', reference_loss)
print('perturbed loss:', perturbed_loss)
print('average-case robust flatness:', perturbed_loss - reference_loss)

Note that the example runs only on one batch of 128 test examples. The essential steps are:

  • Define a "weight attack", i.e., a method to perturb weights; in this case, random perturbations are used.
  • Define a function for selecting the layers to perturb, see no_normalization.
  • Evaluate the model on the clean examples without weight perturbations.
  • Run the weight attack, i.e., compute random weight perturbations and evaluate each perturbed model.
  • Compute flatness as the difference of cross-entropy loss of the unperturbed reference model and the mean cross-entropy loss over all perturbed model.

Worst-case flatness can be computed simply by replacing the method for computing weight perturbations:

error_rate = 0.003
attack = attacks.weights.GradientDescentAttack()
attack.epochs = 20
attack.base_lr = 0.01
attack.normalization = attacks.weights.normalizations.LayerWiseRelativeL2Normalization()
attack.backtrack = False
attack.momentum = 0
attack.lr_factor = 1
attack.initialization = attacks.weights.initializations.LayerWiseL2UniformNormInitialization(error_rate)
attack.norm = attacks.weights.norms.L2Norm()
attack.projection = attacks.weights.SequentialProjections([
attack.get_layers = no_normalization

Note that in both cases, we use a layer-wise and relative L2 initialization and normalization (e.g., attacks.weights.initializations.LayerWiseL2UniformNormInitialization) which implements the B_xi(w) ball described in the paper.

Robust Flatness

Examples for computing average- and worst-case flatness on the robust loss can be found in examples/average_robust_flatness.py and examples/worst_robust_flatness.py. An excerpt for computing average-case robust flatness is shown below:

# imports ...
# load model
state = common.state.State.load(model_file)
model = state.model
if cuda:
    model = model.cuda()

# setup set to compute flatness on
# use only one batch for simplicity, in the paper we use 1000 examples instead
testset = common.datasets.Cifar10TestSet(indices=numpy.array(list(range(128))))
testloader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(testset, batch_size=128, shuffle=False)

# the PGD attack to compute adversarial examples with
epsilon = 0.0314
input_attack = attacks.BatchGradientDescent()
input_attack.max_iterations = 20
input_attack.base_lr = 0.007
input_attack.momentum = 0
input_attack.c = 0
input_attack.lr_factor = 1
input_attack.backtrack = False
input_attack.normalized = True
input_attack.initialization = attacks.initializations.LInfUniformNormInitialization(epsilon)
input_attack.projection = attacks.projections.SequentialProjections([
    attacks.projections.BoxProjection(0, 1),
input_attack.norm = attacks.norms.LInfNorm()

# make sure that no normalization layers are attacked:
def no_normalization(model):
    exclude_layers = ['whiten', 'rebn', 'norm', 'downsample.1', 'bn', 'shortcut.1']
    n_parameters = len(list(model.parameters()))
    parameters = dict(model.named_parameters())
    names = list(parameters.keys())
    assert len(names) == n_parameters
    layers = []
    for i in range(len(names)):
        if parameters[names[i]].requires_grad:
            exclude = False
            for e in exclude_layers:
                if names[i].find(e) >= 0:
                    exclude = True
            if not exclude:
    return layers

# the "weight attack", i.e., random weight perturbations
error_rate = 0.5
weight_attack = attacks.weights.RandomAttack()
weight_attack.epochs = 1
weight_attack.initialization = attacks.weights.initializations.LayerWiseL2UniformSphereInitialization(error_rate)
weight_attack.norm = attacks.weights.norms.L2Norm()
weight_attack.projection = None
weight_attack.get_layers = no_normalization

# objectives: maximize cross-entropy loss
# SequentialAttack2 runs the weight attack first and then the input attack
input_objective = attacks.objectives.UntargetedF0Objective()
weight_objective = attacks.weights.objectives.UntargetedF0Objective()
attack = attacks.weights_inputs.SequentialAttack2(weight_attack, input_attack)

# compute clean probabilities on test set
clean_probabilities = common.test.test(model, testloader, cuda=cuda)

# run just adversarial examples, i.e., robust loss without weight perturbation
writer = common.summary.SummaryWriter()
_, reference_probabilities, _ = common.test.attack(
    model, testloader, input_attack, input_objective, attempts=1, writer=writer, cuda=cuda)

# run the weight attack, i.e., compute robust loss with weight perturbations
# in the paper, we use 10 attempts instead
_, _, probabilities, _ = common.test.attack_weights_inputs(
    model, testloader, attack, weight_objective, input_objective, attempts=5, writer=writer, cuda=cuda)

# for weight perturbations, we take the mean across random weight perturbation
# the reference loss is just the robust loss on the separately computed adversarial examples
evaluations = []
for i in range(probabilities.shape[0]):
    evaluations.append(common.eval.AdversarialWeightsEvaluation(clean_probabilities, probabilities[i], testset.labels))
input_evaluation = common.eval.AdversarialEvaluation(clean_probabilities, reference_probabilities, testset.labels, validation=0)
weight_evaluation = common.eval.EvaluationStatistics(evaluations)

reference_loss = input_evaluation.robust_loss()
perturbed_loss, _ = weight_evaluation('robust_loss', 'mean')
print('reference loss:', reference_loss)
print('perturbed loss:', perturbed_loss)
print('average-case robust flatness:', perturbed_loss - reference_loss)

The essential steps follow the computation of average-case flatness on the clean cross-entropy loss:

  • Define an adversarial example attack, e.g., PGD.
  • Define a weight attack, for example random weight perturbations.
  • Combine both attacks in a sequential manner (apply weight attack first, then compute adversarial examples) - this is done using SequentialAttack2.
  • Run the adversarial example attack to obtain the reference robust loss.
  • Run the sequential weight and input attack to obtain the robust loss with weight perturbations; this is achieved by averaging the robust loss per weight perturbation.

For computing worst-case robust flatness, we cannot compute weight perturbations and adversarial examples sequentially. Instead, adversarial examples and weight perturbations are optimized jointly. This means that the sequential attack in the above example is replaced by:

error_rate = 0.003
attack = attacks.weights_inputs.GradientDescentAttack()
attack.epochs = 20
attack.weight_initialization = attacks.weights.initializations.LayerWiseL2UniformNormInitialization(error_rate)
attack.weight_projection = attacks.weights.projections.SequentialProjections([
attack.weight_norm = attacks.weights.norms.L2Norm()
attack.weight_normalization = attacks.weights.normalizations.LayerWiseRelativeL2Normalization()
attack.input_initialization = attacks.initializations.LInfUniformNormInitialization(epsilon)
attack.input_projection = attacks.projections.SequentialProjections([
    attacks.projections.BoxProjection(0, 1),
attack.input_norm = attacks.norms.LInfNorm()
# this matches the PGD attack above
attack.input_normalized = True
attack.input_lr = 0.007
attack.weight_lr = 0.01
attack.get_layers = no_normalization

Reproduce Experiments

Experiments are defined in experiments/iccv. The experiments, i.e., attacks, flatness measures and training modesl, are defined in experiments/iccv/common.py. This is done for three cases on CIFAR10: with AutoAugment using cifar10.py, without AutoAugment in cifar10_noaa.py and with unlabeled data (without AutoAugment) in cifar10_noaa_500k.py.

The experiments are run using the command line tools provided in experiments/, e.g., experiments/train.py for training a model and experiments/attack.py for injecting bit errors. Results are evaluated in Jupyter notebooks, an examples can be found in experiments/mlsys/eval/evaluation_cifar10.ipynb.

All experiments are saved in BASE_EXPERIMENTS.


Training a model is easy using the following command line tool:

python3 train.py iccv.cifar10_noaa resnet18 at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100 --whiten --n=rebn --channels=64

It also allows to use different activation functions using the -a option, different architectures or normalization layers. As detailed above, iccv.cifar10_noaa corresponds to CIFAR10 without AutoAugment. The same models can be trained with AutoAugment using iccv.cifar10 or with additional unlabeled data using iccv.cifar10_noo_500k. The model identifier, e.g., at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100 is defined in experiments/iccv/common.py and examples can be found below.


To evaluate trained models on clean test or training examples use:

python3 test.py iccv.cifar10_noaa resnet18 at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100 --whiten --n=rebn --channels=64

with --train for training examples. Using --epochs this can be done for all snapshots, i.e., every 5th epoch.

Adversarial evaluation involves computing robust test error using AutoAttack, robust loss using PGD and average- as well as worst-case flatness:

python3 attack.py iccv.cifar10_noaa resnet18 at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100 --whiten --n=rebn --channels=64 cifar10_benchmark

This can also be done for every 5th epoch as follows:

python3 attack.py iccv.cifar10_noaa resnet18 at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100 --whiten --n=rebn --channels=64 cifar10_epochs_benchmark --epochs

(Note that the downloadable experiment data only includes snapshots for vanilla adversarial training in the interest of download size.)


Pre-computed experiments can be downloaded here. Note that this data does not correspond to the results from the paper, but were generated using this repository to illustrate usage. These models also do not include snapshots in the interest of download size. Log files for plotting training curves are also not included.

The plots from the paper can be produced using experiments/iccv/eval/evaluation_iccv.ipynb. When ran correctly, the notebook should look as in experiments/iccv/eval/evaluation_iccv.pdf. The evaluation does not include all models from the paper by default, but illustrates the usage on some key models. To run the evaluation and create the below plots, the following models need to be trained and evaluated using cifar10_benchmark defined in experiments/iccv.common.py:

  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i14_e00314_f100
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00352_f100
  • at_ii_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • at_pll_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • 0005p_at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ls01
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ls02
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ls03
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ls04
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ls05
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ln01
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ln02
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ln03
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ln04
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_ln05
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_cyc
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_wd0001
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_wd001
  • at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100_wd005
  • at_ssl05_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • at_ssl1_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • at_ssl2_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • at_ssl4_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • at_ssl8_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • trades1_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • trades3_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • trades6_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100
  • trades9_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i7_e00314_f100

Examples for training and evaluation can be found above. The corresponding correlation plots from the paper should look as follows with the downloaded experiment data:

Average-Case Robust Flatness and RLoss.

Average-Case Robust Flatness and Robust Generalization.

Visualizing Robust Flatness

For visualizing the robust loss landscape across, the following commands can be used:

python3 visualize.py iccv.cifar10_noaa resnet18 at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i14_e00314_f100 --channels=64 --whiten -n=rebn weight_l2_random_nonorm2_e01_at10 -l=input_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i10_e00314_at10 -d=layer_l2_05
python3 visualize.py iccv.cifar10_noaa resnet18 at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i14_e00314_f100 --channels=64 --whiten -n=rebn weight_l2_gd_nonorm2_lwrl2normalized_i7_lr001_mom0_e0005_at10_test -l=input_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i10_e00314_at10 -d=layer_l2_001

Random Direction.

Adversarial Direction.

Hessian Eigenvalues

The following command allows to compute Hessian eigenvalues:

python3 hessian.py iccv.cifar10_noaa resnet18 at_linf_gd_normalized_lr0007_mom0_i14_e00314_f100 --channels=64 --whiten -n=rebn -k=4


This repository includes code from:

Copyright (c) 2021 David Stutz, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft

Please read carefully the following terms and conditions and any accompanying documentation before you download and/or use this software and associated documentation files (the "Software").

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Implementation of average- and worst-case robust flatness measures for adversarial training.


Language:Python 94.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 5.6%