davidosomething / up.zsh

A zshell plugin for the "up" command, which can cd up an arbitrary number of directories

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Up, the ZShell Plugin

Tired of cd ., cd .., cd ..., cd ...., using multiple different aliases to navigate up directories?

Why not use the power of up?

Type up to go up one directory. Type up 2 to go up two directories. Type up 3 to go up three directories. And so on.

No more defining a cd ............... alias. Just up 15.



If you use the antigen framework, add antigen bundle peterhurford/up.zsh to your .zshrc


Assuming you have oh-my-zsh, you can simply write

git clone https://github.com/peterhurford/up.zsh ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/up
echo "plugins+=(up)" >> ~/.zshrc

(Alternatively, you can place the up plugin in the plugins=(...) local manually.)


If you're using the zgen framework, add zgen load peterhurford/up.zsh to your .zshrc with your other load commands.

If you're lame and use bash, you can install this directly to your ~/.bash_profile:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/peterhurford/up.zsh/master/up.plugin.zsh >> ~/.bash_profile


A zshell plugin for the "up" command, which can cd up an arbitrary number of directories


Language:Shell 100.0%