davidlonjon / tide-logging-server

Tide Logging Server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tide Logging Server


This repo will provision a Graylogw server which will capture log events/messages from the Tide services.


How to run locally

  • Clone the repo:
$ git clone git@github.com:davidlonjon/tide-logging-server.git
  • Create a new .env file from the .env.dist file and edit the settings:

To generate a SHA2 encrypted password you can run the following command on your local:

$ echo -n yourpassword | shasum -a 256

Launch the Graylog2 server using the docker compose command

$ docker-compose up -d

Now you should be able to access the admin console of the Graylog2 server at http://localhost:9000/api. To login use admin as the username.

To interact with the Graylog2 server to send log events to it using PHP for example, you will be able to do it using your host machine IP on port 12201 as the graylog IP address and port.

How to run on production


How to send a log event to the Graylog server using php:

You can find and how to on Jeremy Cook blog post at https://jeremycook.ca/2012/10/02/turbocharging-your-logs/.

In a nutshell, you'll need:

Code sample:


require "vendor/autoload.php";
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\GelfHandler;
use Gelf\MessagePublisher;

$log = new Logger('Test');
$log->pushHandler(new GelfHandler(new MessagePublisher('IP OR DOMAIN NAME OF YOUR GRAYLOG2 SERVER')));

$log->addWarning('Test warning message');
$log->addError('Test error message');
$log->addInfo('Test info message');
$log->addDebug('Test debug message');


Tide Logging Server