davidkrisch / node_addon_tutorial

Results of quick walkthrough of the node addon tutorial at http://nikhilm.bitbucket.org/articles/c_in_my_javascript/c_in_javascript_part_1.html

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project contains the changes I had to make to the source
in the tutorial at:


I had to modify the build() function in wscript because:

    from os import name as platform

on my Mac reports "posix" as the platform.  I also had to modify
test.js to correctly import the uuid module.

To build:

    node-waf configure build

To run:

    node test.js


Results of quick walkthrough of the node addon tutorial at http://nikhilm.bitbucket.org/articles/c_in_my_javascript/c_in_javascript_part_1.html


Language:C++ 89.4%Language:JavaScript 10.6%