davidkpiano / nm8

Ridiculously small animation library.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Ridiculously small animation library. Less than 260 bytes. Fits in a tweet.


<script src="https://unpkg.com/nm8"></script>
import nm8 from 'nm8';

const output = value => console.log(value);

// create animation
const animation = nm8(output, 1000);

// play animation

// pause animation

// stop animation


nm8(onTick: (value: number) => void, duration?: number)

Creates an animation that calls onTick with the current:

  • offset (between 0 and 1) if duration is specified
  • delta (in ms) if no duration is specified. Usually 16 or 17.


Starts playing the animation, because the animation doesn't just fire off immediately. That's irresponsible.


Pauses the animation. The onTick handler won't be called again until .play() or .stop() is called.


Stops the animation. The onTick handler will be called with the end value (either 1 if duration is specified or Infinity otherwise). Calling .play() on a stopped animation will restart it.


How do I actually make stuff move?

const ball = document.querySelector('#ball');

const animation = nm8(offset => {
  // moves ball from 0 to 1000px over 1 second
  ball.style.transform = `translateX(${offset * 1000}px)`
}, 1000).play();

What about easing?

// use sine easing, it's really nice
const easeSine = fn => offset => fn((1 - Math.cos(offset * Math.PI)) / 2);

const animation = nm8(easeSine(offset => {
  ball.style.transform = `translateX(${offset * 1000}px)`
}), 1000).play();

What about delays?

// just copy-paste this. it's math
const delayNm8 = (fn, duration, delay) => nm8(delayOffset => {
  const offset = Math.max(delayOffset - delay / (duration + delay), 0) * (duration + delay) / duration;
}, duration + delay);

// 1-second ease animation with 2-second delay
const animation = delayNm8(easeSine(offset => {
  ball.style.transform = `translateX(${offset * 1000}px)`
}), 1000, 2000).play();

I want more easing functions.

Here's a bunch: https://github.com/just-animate/just-curves

Can I request a feature?

No. Use https://github.com/tweenrex/tweenrex if you want a small tweening library with more features.

What is the browser support?

Just avoid IE, okay?

Why is it so small?

So you can copy-paste it:

function nm8(a,b){let c,d,e,f=(g)=>{let h=+!c||-(d||g)+(d=g);a(b?Math.min(Math.max((e+=h)/b,0),1):h);return!c||e>=b||requestAnimationFrame(f)},g={play:()=>(c=1,b&&e<=b||(e=0),f(performance.now()),g),pause:()=>(c=0,g),stop:()=>(e=d=c=0,g)};return g}

Have examples? Check out the examples directory: https://github.com/davidkpiano/nm8/blob/master/examples


Ridiculously small animation library.

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 100.0%