davidkensell / news-query

Python3 PostgreSQL DB query practice

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Newsletter DB Query

This Python3 script queries a PostgreSQL news database with 3 different tables: articles, authors, and log.

It prints:

  • The 3 most popular articles of all time, sorted by hits
  • The most popular authors, sorted by hits
  • Days with more than 1% request error rate

Execute the query

This program requires an active server operating PostgreSQL that can run Python3, populated with newsdata.sql. One way to accomplish this locally, without provisioning remote servers through Heroku, Amazon Lightsail, or other services is to use Vagrant, a Linux VM.

When your DB server is up and running (see Vagrant directions below), execute the query from the terminal in the vagrant directory:

 $ python3 newsquery.py

Download Python3

Many operating systems come with Python 2.7, but this script requires Python3.

If you haven't already, install Python3. You can find the latest release on the Python downloads page or if you use homebrew run:

 $ brew install python

That's not a typo. After installation, you can launch the Python 2 interpreter with python2 and the Python 3 interpreter with python3 from the cmd line.

Setup a VM with Vagrant and Virtual Box

To run a local PostgreSQL server, download and install Vagrant and VirtualBox to manage a virtual machine.

Download the platform package for your OS for VirtualBox. You don't need to launch it after install; Vagrant will do that.

For a readymade config, download and unzip this file: FSND-Virtual-Machine.zip.

Enter the directory and cd vagrant.

Start the VM

From terminal, run vagrant up. Vagrant will download and install Linux, which may take some time.

After vagrant up is done, run vagrant ssh to login to your new VM.

cd into /vagrant (which doesn't appear by ls command but is there nonetheless). All files in this directory are shared with the directory you started Vagrant from on your computer.

The PostgreSQL database server will automatically be started inside the VM. You can use the psql command-line tool to access it and run SQL statements.

You can log out with ctrl-D from the terminal, and vagrant ssh to log back in. If you reboot, you'll need to use vagrant up to restart the VM.

Rebooting can cause some problems with ssh authentication. If necessary, delete your local SHA key for Vagrant and it will add it again during boot.

Download data

Next, download the data here. You will need to unzip this file after downloading it. The file inside is called newsdata.sql. Put this file into the vagrant directory, which is shared with your virtual machine.

To load the data, cd into the vagrant directory and use the command

 $ psql -d news -f newsdata.sql

Running this command will connect to your installed database server and execute the SQL commands in the downloaded file, creating tables and populating them with data.


Running this program requires:

  • postgresql
  • Python3
  • psycopg

I ran into some challenges getting psycopg2 to work with Python3. If you're using Python3, you may need to run the following from the /vagrant directory:

pip3 install psycopg2-binary --user


Python3 PostgreSQL DB query practice


Language:Python 100.0%