Working copy for the development of the DRYFLUX GPP product (Barnes et al 2021)
#below are notes from which details the product as published Barnes, M. L., Farella, M. M., Scott, R. L., Moore, D. J., Ponce-Campos, G. E., Biederman, J. A., ... & Breshears, D. D. (2021). Improved dryland carbon flux predictions with explicit consideration of water-carbon coupling. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 248.
#Data and code generated for DryFlux #Final Submission to Nature Communications Earth & Environment on Oct2021 "Ecohydrological water-carbon coupling improves dryland carbon flux prediction of average uptake, interannual variability, and drought"
Authors: Barnes, Mallory L.; Farella, Martha M.; Scott, Russell L.; Moore, David J.P.; Ponce-Campos. Guillermo E.; Biederman, Joel A.; MacBean, Natasha; Litvak, Marcy E.; and Breshears, David D.
Year: 2021
Title: Data and code for DryFlux
Corresponding Author for Code:
Martha Farella, Indiana University, O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs,
License: MIT
Contains code and data used for DryFlux and the analysis presented in Nature Communications Earth & Environment manuscript, "Ecohydrological water-carbon coupling improves dryland carbon flux prediction of average uptake, interannual variability, and drought"
code: code used in the analysis presented in the manuscript. MATMAPelev.R: get metadata for the Flux tower sites. SRTM elevation tiles and extract values for site locations 2. download WorldClim MAT/MAP tiles and extract data for site locations; 3. combine 1 and 2 into a single dataframe; 4. determine the OzFlux sites that fall within the 'dryland regions' defined by United Nations Environment World Monitoring Centre; 5. get boundaries for US, mexico, and Australia territories SPEI: code used to compute SPEI and extract meterological variables for flux tower locations. CRU data downloaded from: meterological variables downloaded included: precipitation (pre), tmin (tmn), tmax (tmx), vapor pressure (vap), potential evapotranspiration (pet), and Tavg (tmp) for time periods: 1991-2000; 2001-2010; 2011-2019; citation: Harris et al. (2020) doi:10.1038/s41597-020-0453-3 combineNCD.R: combine the seperate cru .nc files into a single file that contains oberservations from 1991 - 2019 for each variable needed to calculate spei (pet and precip) computeSPEI.R: This script computes the global SPEI dataset at different time scales. One netCDF file covering the whole globe and time period is generated for each time scale, e.g. for a time scale of 1 month, etc. Output files are stored on DryFlux/data/outputNcdf functions.R: dependencies for 'computeSPEI.R' SPEIextract: code used to extract cru data values for flux tower locations, pre-process for downstream analysis, and create rasters for upscaling; lines 13:90 are for SPEI extraction; lines 92:144 are for the other meterological variables; lines 146:177 are for last month precip and Tavg; lines 179:340 are for OzFlux sites; lines 345:438 raster layer creation MODISprocessing.R: used to convert hdf files to a single .csv file for each year where ndvi and evi values are extracted for flux tower locations and data formatted (single row/observation for each site/date) for downstream analysis also create .tif EVI and NDVI raster layers; .hdf data products downloaded from: 16th day global 0.5deg CMG MOD13C1; Date downloaded is the date closest to the 15th/16th of each month; citation: Didan, K. (2015). MOD13C1 MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG V006 [Data set]. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC. Accessed 2020-10-13 from daylength.R: determine daylength of sites based on dates of CRU dates; create daylength rasters; daylength calculated using the 'daylength' function in the 'geosphere' R package; daylength calculated on the 15th or 16th of each month in accordance with CRU dates for each flux tower location.; raster stack created for the whole world with daylengths for each of the 348 CRU dates CleanFlux.R: get fluxtower GPP values for mid-month time frames from the daily Fluxtower MatLab files MOD17A2Hdl.txt: code used on google EarthEngine to download individual .csv files of MODIS 8-day global 500m GPP data products (MOD17A2H) for each flux tower site. MODIS_GPP.R: get MODIS GPP values in format needed for downstream analysis. MODIS 8-day global 500m GPP data products (MOD17A2H) downloaded with google EarthEngine using code on 'MOD17A2Hdl.txt'. Fluxcom_extract.R: extract daily Fluxcom predictions for tower locs, then calc mid-month GPP vals; daily Fluxcom GPP predictions requested from Fluxcom data administrator OxFlux.R: get OzFlux GPP values formatted for downstream analysis data_prepro.R: combine all response and explanatory variables together into a single dataset for model building, testing, and analysis RF.R: Build the Random Forest Machine Learning Models, save model outputs and evaluate performance applyRF_loop.R: Apply the random forest model to raster layers to predict global GPP across all months RFevaluation.R: Evaluate model performance. Create a dataframe with observed and predicted GPP values from DryFlux, MODIS, and Fluxcom. Create Fig1a-c, Fig2a-b, Table S2 and S5, Figs. S2, S3, S5, and S6 RFseasonal.R: Evaluate seasonal trends in RF predictions at SW USA and OzFluxsites. Create Fig1d-f, Figs. S4 and S7 RFspatial_maps.R: calcualte mid-monthly composites of Fluxcom GPP predictiosn, calculate annual GPP estimates for Fluxcom and DryFlux, create annual difference maps (Fig2c,d; Fig3c,d), calcualte DryFlux GPP z-scores globally and create maps (Figs3a,b)
data: data used in analysis presented in the manuscript contents of this folder include: site_locs.csv : site meta data for Southwestern NA sites including: site ID, site name, lat/long, vegetation classification (determined from MODIS IGBP land cover classification at flux tower location), MAT (from FluxNet), MAP (from FluxNet), and elevation (from FluxNet) global_locs.csv: site meta data from FluxNET for the global dryland sites site_meta.csv: WorldClim MAP/MAT, and STRM elevation meta-data for SW USA sites (output from 'MATMAPelev.R') global_meta.csv: WorldClim MAP/MAT, and STRM elevation meta-data for the global dryland sites (output from 'MATMAPelev.R') dates.csv: dates of CRU data RFdata.csv: output from 'data_prepro.R' all of the data needed for Random Forest analysis on the SW USA sites. global_RFdata.csv: output from 'data_prepro.R' all of the data needed for Random Forest analysis on the Global dryland sites Flux_raw: MatLab files for each fluxtower site containing daily NEP, GEP, Reco, ET, precip, Tair, VPD, Rnet, and Rsolar