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Working copy for the development of the DRYFLUX GPP product (Barnes et al 2021)

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Working copy for the development of the DRYFLUX GPP product (Barnes et al 2021)

#below are notes from https://github.com/marthageb/DryFlux which details the product as published Barnes, M. L., Farella, M. M., Scott, R. L., Moore, D. J., Ponce-Campos, G. E., Biederman, J. A., ... & Breshears, D. D. (2021). Improved dryland carbon flux predictions with explicit consideration of water-carbon coupling. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), 248.

#Data and code generated for DryFlux #Final Submission to Nature Communications Earth & Environment on Oct2021 "Ecohydrological water-carbon coupling improves dryland carbon flux prediction of average uptake, interannual variability, and drought"

Authors: Barnes, Mallory L.; Farella, Martha M.; Scott, Russell L.; Moore, David J.P.; Ponce-Campos. Guillermo E.; Biederman, Joel A.; MacBean, Natasha; Litvak, Marcy E.; and Breshears, David D.

Year: 2021

Title: Data and code for DryFlux

Corresponding Author for Code:
Martha Farella, Indiana University, O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, farellam@iu.edu

License: MIT



Contains code and data used for DryFlux and the analysis presented in Nature Communications Earth & Environment manuscript, "Ecohydrological water-carbon coupling improves dryland carbon flux prediction of average uptake, interannual variability, and drought"

Files and Folders

code: code used in the analysis presented in the manuscript. MATMAPelev.R: get metadata for the Flux tower sites. 1.download SRTM elevation tiles and extract values for site locations 2. download WorldClim MAT/MAP tiles and extract data for site locations; 3. combine 1 and 2 into a single dataframe; 4. determine the OzFlux sites that fall within the 'dryland regions' defined by United Nations Environment World Monitoring Centre; 5. get boundaries for US, mexico, and Australia territories SPEI: code used to compute SPEI and extract meterological variables for flux tower locations. CRU data downloaded from: https://crudata.uea.ac.uk/cru/data/hrg/cru_ts_4.04/cruts.2004151855.v4.04/ meterological variables downloaded included: precipitation (pre), tmin (tmn), tmax (tmx), vapor pressure (vap), potential evapotranspiration (pet), and Tavg (tmp) for time periods: 1991-2000; 2001-2010; 2011-2019; citation: Harris et al. (2020) doi:10.1038/s41597-020-0453-3 combineNCD.R: combine the seperate cru .nc files into a single file that contains oberservations from 1991 - 2019 for each variable needed to calculate spei (pet and precip) computeSPEI.R: This script computes the global SPEI dataset at different time scales. One netCDF file covering the whole globe and time period is generated for each time scale, e.g. spei01.nc for a time scale of 1 month, etc. Output files are stored on DryFlux/data/outputNcdf functions.R: dependencies for 'computeSPEI.R' SPEIextract: code used to extract cru data values for flux tower locations, pre-process for downstream analysis, and create rasters for upscaling; lines 13:90 are for SPEI extraction; lines 92:144 are for the other meterological variables; lines 146:177 are for last month precip and Tavg; lines 179:340 are for OzFlux sites; lines 345:438 raster layer creation MODISprocessing.R: used to convert hdf files to a single .csv file for each year where ndvi and evi values are extracted for flux tower locations and data formatted (single row/observation for each site/date) for downstream analysis also create .tif EVI and NDVI raster layers; .hdf data products downloaded from: https://e4ftl01.cr.usgs.gov/MOLT/MOD13C1.006/ 16th day global 0.5deg CMG MOD13C1; Date downloaded is the date closest to the 15th/16th of each month; citation: Didan, K. (2015). MOD13C1 MODIS/Terra Vegetation Indices 16-Day L3 Global 0.05Deg CMG V006 [Data set]. NASA EOSDIS Land Processes DAAC. Accessed 2020-10-13 from https://doi.org/10.5067/MODIS/MOD13C1.006 daylength.R: determine daylength of sites based on dates of CRU dates; create daylength rasters; daylength calculated using the 'daylength' function in the 'geosphere' R package; daylength calculated on the 15th or 16th of each month in accordance with CRU dates for each flux tower location.; raster stack created for the whole world with daylengths for each of the 348 CRU dates CleanFlux.R: get fluxtower GPP values for mid-month time frames from the daily Fluxtower MatLab files MOD17A2Hdl.txt: code used on google EarthEngine to download individual .csv files of MODIS 8-day global 500m GPP data products (MOD17A2H) for each flux tower site. MODIS_GPP.R: get MODIS GPP values in format needed for downstream analysis. MODIS 8-day global 500m GPP data products (MOD17A2H) downloaded with google EarthEngine using code on 'MOD17A2Hdl.txt'. Fluxcom_extract.R: extract daily Fluxcom predictions for tower locs, then calc mid-month GPP vals; daily Fluxcom GPP predictions requested from Fluxcom data administrator OxFlux.R: get OzFlux GPP values formatted for downstream analysis data_prepro.R: combine all response and explanatory variables together into a single dataset for model building, testing, and analysis RF.R: Build the Random Forest Machine Learning Models, save model outputs and evaluate performance applyRF_loop.R: Apply the random forest model to raster layers to predict global GPP across all months RFevaluation.R: Evaluate model performance. Create a dataframe with observed and predicted GPP values from DryFlux, MODIS, and Fluxcom. Create Fig1a-c, Fig2a-b, Table S2 and S5, Figs. S2, S3, S5, and S6 RFseasonal.R: Evaluate seasonal trends in RF predictions at SW USA and OzFluxsites. Create Fig1d-f, Figs. S4 and S7 RFspatial_maps.R: calcualte mid-monthly composites of Fluxcom GPP predictiosn, calculate annual GPP estimates for Fluxcom and DryFlux, create annual difference maps (Fig2c,d; Fig3c,d), calcualte DryFlux GPP z-scores globally and create maps (Figs3a,b)

data: data used in analysis presented in the manuscript contents of this folder include: site_locs.csv : site meta data for Southwestern NA sites including: site ID, site name, lat/long, vegetation classification (determined from MODIS IGBP land cover classification at flux tower location), MAT (from FluxNet), MAP (from FluxNet), and elevation (from FluxNet) global_locs.csv: site meta data from FluxNET for the global dryland sites site_meta.csv: WorldClim MAP/MAT, and STRM elevation meta-data for SW USA sites (output from 'MATMAPelev.R') global_meta.csv: WorldClim MAP/MAT, and STRM elevation meta-data for the global dryland sites (output from 'MATMAPelev.R') dates.csv: dates of CRU data RFdata.csv: output from 'data_prepro.R' all of the data needed for Random Forest analysis on the SW USA sites. global_RFdata.csv: output from 'data_prepro.R' all of the data needed for Random Forest analysis on the Global dryland sites Flux_raw: MatLab files for each fluxtower site containing daily NEP, GEP, Reco, ET, precip, Tair, VPD, Rnet, and Rsolar


Working copy for the development of the DRYFLUX GPP product (Barnes et al 2021)


Language:R 100.0%