This is a traffic analysis tool complete with a Command Line Interface (CLI) developed in order to streamline the analysis of traffic captures.
At the moment of this report, Sentinel allows highly specific and precise metric measurements, such as:
- Search for possible exfiltration.
- Search for possible botnet and C&C communication.
- Volume of connection per destination.
- Hourly connection volume.
This tool was developed in Python version 3.11.2 and Poetry, which is a tool for dependency management and packaging. It allows for the declaration of libraries in a project and it will manage (install/update) this dependencies automatically. Poetry offers a lockfile to ensure repeatable installs, and can build a project for distribution.
Sentinel is publicly available at PyPi and it is recommended that the installation is done using Pipx, however, it is NOT absolutely necessary.
pipx install sentinel-analysis
After installation, the tool can be called from any terminal session with the sentinel
$ sentinel -h
usage: sentinel [-h] --data DATA -gi GI -gin GIN [-dx DATAEXFILTRATION] [-bn BOTNET] [-cv] [-td] [-q] [-p]
Traffic analysis tool.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data DATA Path to datafile to analyze
-gi GI Geolocation IP database
-gin GIN Geolocation IP database with nameserver
Threshold percentage for outliers in upload/download byte amount. Example '-dx 90' will return the top 10%
-bn BOTNET, --botnet BOTNET
Detecting possible botnet communication in specified networks, or all networks. Example '-bn' will search P2P communication within that network
-cv, --countryVolume Measures the connection volume per country
-td, --trafficDistribution
Generates a graph illustrating the hourly distribution of the volume of connections during a day
-q, --quiet Suppress stdout
-o, --outfileMd Export to markdown file
There are multiple options for processing, and each one is only executed if explicitly called. There are, however, three mandatory parameters that must be provided.
- data - Required - Path to the paquet file containing the traffic capture to be analyses.
- gi - Required - Path to the dat file containing the IP geolocation database.
- gin - Required - PAth to the dat file containing the IP geolocation of nameservers database.
Some anomalous behavior can be searched for by using the following options:
- dx - By specifying an integer between 0 and 100, the user is filtering for flows above the download over the upload percentile of all the connections in the session.
- bn - The user can specify in which subnet to look for P2P communication, which can indicate the presence of a botnet. If is used, it will search in all subnets found.
For getting a general overview of the traffic, two commands are also available:
- cv - Measures the number of connections per country of destination.
- td - Measures the traffic hourly volume distribution.
Now we will perform an overall analysis of a traffic capture file with all of the options selected and analyze the data recovered, as well as inspect how the calculations for each of the metrics is performed.
The code presented next demonstrates a comprehensive set of SIEM rules specifically tailored to detect and combat two major security threats: data exfiltration and botnets. These rules have been meticulously crafted to analyze network traffic patterns, monitor system logs, and identify anomalous behaviors indicative of data exfiltration attempts. By leveraging these SIEM rules, organizations can effectively safeguard their sensitive data from unauthorized exfiltration and combat the growing menace of botnets, ensuring a resilient and secure computing environment.
Sentinel will be called in the following manner:
sentinel --data ../dataset4/data4.parquet -gi ../GeoIP_DBs/GeoIP.dat -gin ../GeoIP_DBs/GeoIPASNum.dat -cv -td -dx 90 -bn -o
Note that the only option not selected is --quiet
as it would suppress all stdout.
Note also that the flag -o
is selected, what this does is creates a markdown file at the end of the analysis with all of the generated data. This can be useful for posterior archiving.
The objective of this measurement is simply to understand which countries are more targeted as connection destinations and which country has downloaded more data. When executed, it produces the following output at the console,
[!] Calculate the country of origin of the destination IPs and the connection volume for each country. Generating a PNG with the bar graph.
dst_ip down_bytes
count sum
US 334778 39621538092
PT 274777 26423827803
274208 15754974807
NL 17948 1728071763
NA 13613 1310943454
GB 7460 717314962
BR 5335 512859364
ES 2019 196188082
IE 1281 118558649
and generates the following graph as a PNG image.
def countryVolume():
# Analyses of destination countries' connection volume
countries = data
countries["country"] = countries["dst_ip"].apply(
lambda ip: gi.country_code_by_addr(ip)
# Associates each country with its number of connections and the total
# data downloads by it. For normal flows they should be directly proportional
volume = countries.groupby(["country"]).agg(
{"dst_ip": ["count"], "down_bytes": ["sum"]}
# Sorting the DataFrame by dst_ip column in descending order
volume = volume.sort_values(("dst_ip", "count"), ascending=False)
The objective of this measurement is to understand the time of the day in which there is a higher volume of connections.
hen executed, it produces the following output at the console,
[!] Distribution of connection volume during the day.
4 2439
5 6845
6 18117
7 29313
8 55071
9 76117
10 91050
11 96017
12 97340
13 99522
14 92054
15 77853
16 64196
and generates the following graph as a PNG image.
def trafficDistribution():
traffic = data
traffic["hour"] = pd.to_datetime(traffic["timestamp"] / 100.0, unit="s").dt.hour
hourly = traffic["hour"].value_counts().sort_index()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6)), hourly.values)
ax.set_ylabel("Number of connections")
ax.set_title("Connections per hour during a day")
filepath = "connectionsxhour"
For data exfiltration analysis we focused on the fact that although the amount of downloaded data is usually larger than the uploaded data if the service is the same for all of the clients during the session, the ratio of this two values should (if normal behaviour is considered) be similar for all the clients.
If a particular client demonstrates a particular large ratio of downloads over uploads, this might indicate that it is extracting a large amount of data, possibly with malicious intent.
This is the generated output at the console,
[!] IPs above the 90 percentile of the downloads over uploads in this session.
src_ip down_bytes up_bytes ratio
110 14778895 1415961 10.437360
116 53495023 5195056 10.297295
64 324226107 32356733 10.020360
144 98180581 9977423 9.840274
131 259857369 26500446 9.805773
174 385717683 39392101 9.791752
184 193031076 19880947 9.709350
90 609527835 63089225 9.661362
def dataExfiltration(percentage):
percentage = 1 - (percentage / 100)
# Calculate the total downloaded and uploaded bytes per IP
ratios = data.groupby(["src_ip"], as_index=False)[["down_bytes", "up_bytes"]].sum()
# Calculate the ratio between downloaded and uploaded bytes
ratios["ratio"] = ratios["down_bytes"] / ratios["up_bytes"]
# Sort by ratio
ratios = ratios.sort_values(["ratio"], ascending=False)
# Top outliers based on percentage
outliers = ratios.head(int(len(ratios) * percentage))
It is not usual for devices within the same network in a corporate environment to engage in peer-to-peer communication, if so, this may indicate that botnets, C&C, or horizontal traversal may be taking place within the network.
This is the generated output at the console when the botnet detection algorithm is executed,
[!] Flows between internal hosts to common destinations in the same subnet (, may indicate the existence of an internal botnet.
dst_ip src_ip frequency
1 [,, 0.008091
3 [,, 0.007870
2 [,, 0.005934
5 [,, 0.005923
0 [,, 0.005816
4 [,, 0.005724
def botnet(subnet):
subnet = ipaddress.IPv4Network(subnet)
# Filter to src_ip for desired subnet
same_subnet = data
same_subnet["src_ip"] = same_subnet["src_ip"].astype(str)
# Filter to src_ip and dst_ip in the same desired subnet
same_subnet = same_subnet.loc[
(data["src_ip"].apply(lambda x: ipaddress.IPv4Address(x) in subnet))
& (data["dst_ip"].apply(lambda x: ipaddress.IPv4Address(x) in subnet))
# Associates each dst_ip with a set of IPs and a set of timestamps
same_subnet = same_subnet.groupby(["dst_ip"], as_index=False).agg(
{"src_ip": list, "timestamp": list}
# Calculate the frequency of the communications
def frequency(comms, period):
return len(comms) / (period[-1] - period[0])
same_subnet["frequency"] = same_subnet.apply(
lambda x: frequency(x.src_ip, x.timestamp), axis=1
# Clean non relevant series
same_subnet = same_subnet.drop(["timestamp"], axis=1)
# Clean repeated IPs
same_subnet["src_ip"] = same_subnet["src_ip"].apply(lambda x: list(set(x)))
# Order
same_subnet = same_subnet.sort_values(["frequency"], ascending=False)