davidjbradshaw / search-server

Aggregated list of components from the Bower registry and GitHub metadata

Home Page:http://bower-component-list.herokuapp.com

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bower search server

Aggregated list of packages from the Bower registry, GitHub metadata, bower.json/package.json keywords.

This is a temporary solution while the new registry is being built. No new features will implemented

Currently used as the back-end for the Bower search.

The registry can also be filtered on a keyword to only get a subset of it. Useful if you for example want to embed a list of plugins for your framework on a website. Example: https://bower-component-list.herokuapp.com/keyword/web-components

Getting Started

  • Register a new OAuth app on GitHub. This is needed since GitHub allows more API usage for registered apps.

  • Set the environment variables from your newly created app (alternatively use foreman .env file)

  • Install dependencies npm install

  • Run npm start (alternatively run foreman start)

Environmental variables:

  • NODE_ENV development | production (remember to set this!)
  • PORT - optional to change connect server's port


MIT © Sindre Sorhus


Aggregated list of components from the Bower registry and GitHub metadata



Language:JavaScript 100.0%