davidgtonge / jws-fp

Minimal deps jose

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple JOSE

ALPHA Project - don't use in production yet

The JOSE suite of standards: JWA, JWK, JWS & JWT are gaining widespread adoption. There are quite a few JavaScript libraries that implement the specs so why write another one?

This library has these aims:

  • Minimal dependencies (Node.JS only)
  • Strict adherence to standards
  • Useful error messages with links
  • Minimal functional coding style
  • Simple to use API with access to each layer

Minimal Dependencies

The heavy lifting of signing and verifying payloads is provided by the standard Node.JS crypto module. It is therefore possible to provide a lightweight, standards compliant library that uses very few dependencies.

Initially I wanted to create this module with zero dependencies, however I've had to include asn1.js from Fedor Indutny to handle conversions.

Given that creating and verifying signatures is a critical, high value, part of any secure system I thinnk it is worth considering how to reduce dependencies in this area and therefore reduce the risk of an attacker compromising a system by gaining access to an open source NPM module.

Strict adherence to standards

This is to ensure interoperability and to ensure that users of the library benefit from using code tested against the robust peer-reviewed standards.

This library enforces the best current practices outlined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-bcp-00

Minimal functional coding style

While not a hard rule, there is evidence that lines of code correlates with number of bugs. I don't advocate brevity for the sake of it, but I do believe that simple composable pure functions are easier to read, easier to test and reduce the surface area for bugs.



Creates a spec-compliant JWT.

const {jwt} = require("simple-jose")
const symetricToken = jwt.sign({
  payload: {foo: "bar"},
  alg: "HS256",
  secret: "my cryptographically random secret",
const asymetricToken = jwt.sign({
  payload: {foo: "bar"},
  alg: "PS256",
  kid: "key id",
  key: fs.readFileSync("./my-private-key"),

Accepts the following options:

  • payload: (REQUIRED) - the payload to be signed as a JS object
  • alg: (REQUIRED) - The alg to use, eg. HS256, RS256
  • secret: (REQUIRED for HS algorithms) - The secret to use, can be a string or buffer
  • key: (REQUIRED for RS, PS & ES algorithms) - the private key, can be a string or buffer of a PEM encoded private key OR a JWK
  • kid: (OPTIONAL) - the key id, often a hash of the public key
  • expiresIn: (OPTIONAL) - the time in seconds after which the token should expire
  • notBefore: (OPTIONAL) - the time in seconds before which the token should not be valid
  • header: (OPTIONAL) - the header as an object, this allows implementers to override the default headers. NB if using this property implementers should ensure that they pass the correct alg and typ values.


Verifies a JWT.

const {jwt} = require("simple-jose")
const verifiedTokenPayload = jwt.verify({
  token: "ey....",
  alg: "HS256",
  secret: "my cryptographically random secret",
const verifiedTokenPayload = jwt.verify({
  token: "ey....",
  alg: "PS256",
  key: fs.readFileSync("./public-key"),

Accepts the following options:

  • token: (REQUIRED) - the token to verify
  • alg: (REQUIRED) - The alg to use to verify, eg. HS256, RS256
  • secret: (REQUIRED for HS algorithms) - The secret to use to verify, can be a string or buffer
  • key: (REQUIRED for RS, PS & ES algorithms) - the public key to use to verify, can be a string or buffer of a PEM encoded public key OR a JWK
  • keys: (OPTIONAL for RS, PS & ES algorithms) - an array of JWKs can be provided instead of a single key. The libary will select the correct key using the key id in the JWT
  • jwsOnly: (OPTINAL) - if true the library will only verify the signature and ignore all other checks. This allows implementers to perform their own validation of the token payload properties.
  • aud: (OPTIONAL) - the audience value to verify
  • iss: (OPTIONAL) - the issuer value to verify
  • sub: (OPTIONAL) - the subject value to verify

Early Binding

This is possible and often recommended as well:

const JWT = require("simple-jwt")

const verifyFactory = ({iss, aud, alg, keys}) => token =>
  JWT.verify({iss, aud, alg, keys, token})

Integration to a JWKS endpoint

const jwksCache = require("jwks-cache")

const jwks = jwksCache({
  url: "https://foo.com/.well-known/jwks",

const key = await jwks.get("some-kid")


  • tests
  • add support for interop tests
  • get list of test vectors
  • add support for private key conversion
  • add support for compressed keys
  • add support for x5c
  • add support for kid generation
  • jwe


Minimal deps jose


Language:JavaScript 100.0%