davidfoliveira / node-backend-pool

A node module to keep an updated list of healthy backends

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A module to keep an updated list of healthy backends. It ensures background healthchecking according to the defined options and support great customization.

How to use

const BackendPool = require('backend-pool');

const pool = new BackendPool({
  healthcheck:   '/health',     // default healthcheck path
  healthyAfter:      3,         // successful responses
  unhealthyAfter:    2,         // unsuccessful response
  removeAfter:      10,         // unsuccessful reponses
  checkInterval:  5000,         // ms
  checkTimeout:   1000,         // ms
  isHealthy:      (res, cb) => { cb(true|false) },

  address: 'http://xpto.etc',
  unhealthyAfter: 1,
  checkInterval: 20000

setInterval(() => console.log(pool.getHealthyAddresses()), 10000);

## Supported options

All options can be passed to the constructor as defaults and can also be passed to the .add({...}) method if they are backend-specific settings.

  • healthcheckPath: The healthcheck path to be used. Mandatory to be defined at construction time or as .add() option;
  • healthyAfter: Number of consecutive successful responses to consider a backend as 'healthy'; (default: 3);
  • unhealthyAfter: Number of consecutive unsuccessful responses to consider a backend as 'unhealthy'; (default: 1);
  • removeAfter: Number of consecutive unsuccessful responses to remove a backend from the pool; A value of undefined or null means backends are never removed; (default: undefined);
  • checkInterval: The time (in ms) between health checks; (default: 10000);
  • checkTimeout: The maximum time to wait for a healthcheck endpoint to answer; (default: 1000);
  • isHealthy: A function which decides if a response represents a healthy state; The function arguments are (httpResponse, callback); If you need the response data, you'll need to read it from the stream; (default: 200 status code).


Both the backend pool and the individual backend objects (returned by .add() and .get*()) emit events.

  • healthy: Notifies when a backend was considered healthy;
  • unhealthy: Notifies when a backend was considered unhealthy;
  • removed: Notified when a backend is going to be removed.


A backend pool object supports the following methods:

  • get(address): Returns a backend object for a backend with a specific address or null in case a backend isn't found;
  • getHealthy(): Returns a list of backend objects for the backends in healthy state;
  • getByState(state): Returns a list of backend objects for the backends in a specific state;
  • getHealthyAddresses(): Returns a list of backend addresses for the backends in healthy state;
  • add(address|options): Adds a backend to the pool (in NEW state) by its address (URL) or object containing all the backend-specific options (and an address extra options)`; Supports all options defined defined above for the constructor;
  • remove(address|backendObject): Removes a backend from the pool;


A node module to keep an updated list of healthy backends


Language:JavaScript 100.0%