davidflanagan / kumascript

Bringing scripting to the wiki bears.

Home Page:https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Project:MDN/Kuma/Introduction_to_KumaScript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


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What's Deployed


The KumaScript service takes requests to render raw documents (documents that may contain one or more embedded macro calls), and responds with a fully-rendered document (a document where each of the embedded macros has been executed and replaced inline with its output). The requests are via the POST /docs endpoint, with the raw content of the document to be rendered included in the body of the POST.

Updating Macros

The actual macros available and used are under the macros directory of this repository. For example, if your MDN document makes one or more calls to the CSSRef macro (or cssref, since macro calls are case insensitive), the file macros/CSSRef.ejs is the actual macro that will be executed.

In the past, these macros were stored within a database, and read, updated, or deleted via MDN (the Kuma service). Since this is no longer true, when you want to update one or more of these macros, you no longer do that via MDN, but instead via this GitHub repository (see https://guides.github.com/activities/contributing-to-open-source/). A quick summary:

  1. Fork the Mozilla kumascript repository

  2. Create a branch for your changes

  3. Make and test your changes

    • First you will need to install Docker and clone the Mozilla kuma repository. See https://kuma.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html for detailed instructions on how to do this. Make sure you follow the instructions completely (most likely you will want to install a sample database as well).

    • Go to the kumascript sub-directory within your cloned kuma repository. This is a git submodule that currently points to the Mozilla kumascript repository. Reconfigure this git submodule to point to your forked repository from step 1, and your new branch from step 2.

      git remote set-url origin <URL-TO-YOUR-FORKED-REPO-FROM-STEP-1>
      git fetch origin <BRANCH-NAME-FROM-STEP-2>
      git checkout <BRANCH-NAME-FROM-STEP-2>
    • Now you are ready to add, modify, and/or delete any macro (or other) files, and make commits. When you have made your changes and are ready for testing, you will want to run your local development version of MDN:

      cd ..
      docker-compose build
      docker-compose up -d
      cd kumascript
    • If everything is OK, you can point your browser to http://localhost:8000, login, create a new document that uses your new or modified macro(s), and test that it renders correctly.

    • Run the KumaScript test suite; one of the tests in this suite verifies that all of the macros in the macros/ directory compile correctly and ensures that you do not have a JavaScript syntax error in your new or modified macros:

      make test
  4. Open a pull request to merge your branch on your forked repository into the main Mozilla kumascript repository

Your pull request will be reviewed by one or more members of the MDN team, and if accepted, your changes will be merged into the master branch and scheduled for release to production.

Updating the Dockerfile and/or package.json file

If you update either one or both of these files, you'll need to do a little more before you run your local development version of MDN.

  • If you modified the package.json file, particularly if you modified the version of node or the dependencies section, replace npm-shrinkwrap.json with one that has no version information:

    echo '{}' > npm-shrinkwrap.json
  • When you have made your changes and are ready for testing, you will first need to create a new KumaScript docker image as follows (assuming you are in the kumascript sub-directory):

    cd ..; KS_VERSION=latest make build-kumascript; cd kumascript

    The last line of output from your make build-kumascript command should look something like this:

    Successfully built 48ddc354b3f4
    Successfully tagged mdnwebdocs/kumascript:latest
  • Test out the changes, and repeat building the image if unhappy:

    VERSION=latest make test
    VERSION=latest make lint
    VERSION=latest make lint-json
  • If you modified the package.json file, create a new npm-shrinkwrap.json:

    VERSION=latest make shrinkwrap

    Commit the new npm-shrinkwrap.json file.

  • (Optional) You can use your built image as the kumascript image in the MDN development environment, or you can remove it. To remove your local built image, run one of the following:

    docker rmi mdnwebdocs/kumascript:latest  # Remove without replacing
    docker pull mdnwebdocs/kumascript:latest # or replace with server's version

Setup (Docker)

Development (Docker)

  • To build a Docker image (you will need to do this initially as well as after every git commit):
    • cd ..; make build-kumascript; cd kumascript
  • To run the tests (for both server and macros):
    • make test
  • To check test coverage:
    • make test-coverage
  • To check your code (using ESLint):
    • make lint
  • To verify that all JSON files are well-formed:
    • make lint-json
  • To run the service:
    • make run

Setup (Standalone)

  • Install Node.js 10.x
  • Install the dependencies:
    • npm install

Development (Standalone)

  • To run the service:
    • node run.js
  • To run tests:
    • npm run test
  • To check test coverage:
    • npn run test-coverage
  • To check code quality:
    • npm run lint
  • To ensure that all JSON files are well-formed:
    • npm run lint-json
  • To generate document macro parser (if parser.pegjs is modified):
    • make parser.js

On OS X, kicker is handy for auto-running tests and lint on file changes:

kicker -e'npm run lint' \
       -e'npm run test' \
       --no-growl \
       src tests

Server source code

The file run.js in this directory is the main entry point for the KumaScript server. The most interesting code lives in the src/ directory, however:

  • src/server.js is the main server code. KumaScript is based on Express, and this file defines the endpoints that the server supports. The most interesting function here is docs() which handles POST requests to /docs/ and renders the macros in the body of the POST request.

  • src/render.js defines the asyncronous render() function that renders macros in a page, which is basically the main feature of KumaScript. In order to use the render() function, you need a Templates object (described below) and an environment object that defines values to be exposed to macros as env.slug, env.title, env.locale, etc. (Kuma passes these values to KumaScript through request headers. See the getVariables() function in src/server.js.)

  • src/parser.pegjs defines a parser for finding KumaScript macros invocations within {{ and }} markers in an HTML file. This parser is compiled to src/parser.js.

  • src/templates.js defines the Templates class, which is essentially a wrapper around the macros/ directory. KumaScript uses EJS templates in the form of *.ejs files. Create a Templates object by passing the path to the macros/ directory to the Templates() constructor. Once you've done that, you can render a specific template by calling the render() method of your Templates object. The first argument is the lowercase name of the template, and the second argument is the context in which the template should be executed, which you obtain from an Environment object, as described below.

  • src/environment.js defines the Environment class which is used to create the context objects used for rendering templates. An Environment object defines the API (the MDN.fetchJSONResource() function, for example) that is available to KumaScript macros. When you create an Environment object, you must pass an environment object to the constructor, and the properties of this object define the per-page environment (values like env.title and env.locale) that macros can access. You typically create one Environment object per page to be rendered. Each macros within a page can have its own specific list of arguments, however. So to render an individual macro, call the getExecutionContext() method of your Environment object, and pass in an array of argument values. (The values will be available to macro code as $0, $1, etc.) getExecutionContext() returns the object that you pass to the render() method of your Templates object.

  • src/cache*.js defines a cache for resources fetched by KumaScript macros. If the config file (see below) defines a URL for a Redis service, then the cache will use Redis. Otherwise it uses a local LRU-based cache.

  • src/errors.js defines error classes that describe the possible error that can occur while rendering a page:

    • parser.js can detect a syntax error in the document itself
    • a document might try to use a macro that does not exist
    • there can be a syntax error in the .ejs file that prevents the macro from being compiled
    • an exception can occur at runtime when the macro is rendered
  • src/firelogger.js is a system for encoding an array of JavaScript exceptions into HTTP response headers. Because KumaScript can be asked to render many macros in a single request it always returns a valid response body. But if one or more of the macros on a page has errors, it also needs to return those errors. src/firelogger.js is the clever middleware for doing that.

  • src/config.js defines configurable constants for KumaScript such as the port that the server listens on, the URL of the optional Redis server, and the length of time for which fetched data is cached. Some of these constants take their values from environment variables.


Bringing scripting to the wiki bears.


License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:HTML 75.5%Language:JavaScript 24.4%Language:Makefile 0.1%