davidfeng88 / goex

My Golang exercises/experiments

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This repo contains my exercises and experiments in Golang. If you already have Golang environment setup (e.g. $GOPATH):

  • To get the whole repo, run go get github.com/davidfeng88/goex/....
  • To see the doc in browser: first run godoc -http=:999, then in browser go to http://localhost:999/pkg/github.com/davidfeng88/goex/.


A package used in John Graham-Cumming's Introduction to Go Programming course. It demostrates the basics of Golang, including types, slices, interfaces, strings, fmt, bufio, etc.

  • To run the tests: go test github.com/davidfeng88/goex/poetry (Use -v for verbose)


Also a package used in John Graham-Cumming's Introduction to Go Programming course. It uses the poetry package, and demostrates the usages of struct, encoding/json, flag, log, net/http, strconv, sync, time, etc. The server loads config file and poem file, and serves the poem.

To run the server:

  1. go install github.com/davidfeng88/goex/poetryserver
  2. Copy the sample config file config, and the poem file perfect_woman to your $GOPATH
  3. Whe working directory is $GOPATH, run bin/poetryserver. You should see server logs in terminal.
  4. In terminal, run curl or go to http://localhost:8088/poem?name=perfect_woman in browser.


A package used in John Graham-Cumming's Intermediate Go Programming course. It uses channels to queue and distribute work, and collate results.


A package used in John Graham-Cumming's Intermediate Go Programming course. It uses the task package and fetches multiple URLs concurrently.

To try it out:

  1. go install github.com/davidfeng88/goex/taskdemo
  2. Whe working directory is $GOPATH, echo "https://google.com" | bin/taskdemo should return true, while echo "https://google.com/foo" | bin/taskdemo should return false.
  3. Copy the sample URL file urls to your $GOPATH. Run bin/taskdemo -count=1 < src/github.com/davidfeng88/goex/taskdemo/urls. Change the count argument to see the difference.


Exercises from the Go Programming Language.


My Golang exercises/experiments


Language:Go 100.0%