davidfeng88 / Objectify

An Active Record­-inspired object­-relational mapping (ORM) library in Ruby

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Inspired by Active Record, Objectify is a Ruby object-relational mapping (ORM) library, which uses SQLite3 as its database. Objectify provides an SQLObject base class. When users define a new class (model) that is a subclass of SQLObject, a mapping between the model and an existing table in the database is established. Moreover, models can connect with other models by defining associations.


For demo purposes, a database geo.db is provided. To experience Objectify, run the following commands in your terminal:

  1. git clone https://github.com/davidfeng88/Objectify.git
  2. cd Objectify/
  3. irb
  4. load 'geo.rb'
  5. Try the following commands!
# all
# => [#<City:0x00007fa4fd09f5c0 @attributes={:id=>1, :name=>"Beijing", :country_id=>1}>, ...]

# find
# => #<Country:0x00007fa4fc1bca58 @attributes={:id=>3, :name=>"United States", :continent_id=>2}>

# first, last, associations
beijing = City.first
# => #<City:0x00007fa4fc2e6af0 @attributes={:id=>1, :name=>"Beijing", :country_id=>1}>
# => #<Country:0x00007fa4fd14f4c0 @attributes={:id=>1, :name=>"China", :continent_id=>1}>
# => #<Continent:0x00007fa4fd14c068 @attributes={:id=>1, :name=>"Asia"}>

canada = Country.last
# => #<Country:0x00007fa4fc19c118 @attributes={:id=>4, :name=>"Canada", :continent_id=>2}>
# => #<Continent:0x00007fa4fd15cd50 @attributes={:id=>2, :name=>"North America"}>

# where
japan = Country.where(name: "Japan").first
# => #<Country:0x00007fa4fc122660 @attributes={:id=>2, :name=>"Japan", :continent_id=>1}>
kyoto = City.new(name: "kyoto", country_id: japan.id)
# => #<City:0x00007fa4fc2e4188 @attributes={:name=>"kyoto", :country_id=>2}>
# => 8
# => #<City:0x00007fa4fd13f930 @attributes={:id=>8, :name=>"kyoto", :country_id=>2}>

kyoto.name = "Kyoto"
# => "Kyoto"
# => []
# name updated!
# => #<City:0x00007fa4fd12ec20 @attributes={:id=>8, :name=>"Kyoto", :country_id=>2}>

Note: Check out geo.sql file for the content of the demo database.

Common Methods

  • ::all returns an array of all instances of the class.

  • ::first and ::last return first and last instance of the class respectively.

  • ::find(id) returns the instance with the id provided. It returns nil if not found.

  • ::new(params) creates a new instance with an optional hash of parameters.

  • #save saves the changes of the instance in the database. It calls #insert or #update based on whether the id is nil or not.

Other methods

  • ::columns returns an array of column names (symbols).

  • ::table_name and ::table_name=: table name getter and setter methods.


  • ::where(params) takes in a hash of parameters. It returns an empty array if nothing is found. For example:
Country.where(name: "Japan") # => an array of Country instances where the name is "Japan"


  • Associations are defined in the .rb file before ::finalize!. For example:
class Continent < SQLObject
  has_many :countries

class Country < SQLObject
  belongs_to :continent
  • Supported associations currently include has_many, belongs_to, has_one_through.

  • has_many and belongs_to takes a required name and an optional hash for class_name, primary_key, and foreign_key.

  • has_one_through requires three arguments: name, through_name, source_name. has_one_through connects two belongs_to associations. For example, in the demo database:

    1. City has a belongs_to association (:country) with Country
    2. Country has a belongs_to association (:continent) with Continent
    3. I defined a has_one_through association (:continent) for City using the following options:
      • name: :continent
      • through_name: :country
      • source_name: :continent

Use Objectify with your own database

You need to create three files (.sql, .db, and .rb) as follows. Refer to geo.sql and geo.rb files if needed.

  1. Write a SQL source file (.sql).
  2. Run cat FILENAME.sql | sqlite3 FILENAME.db to generates the database file (.db).
  3. Edit the SQL_FILE and DB_FILE constants in /lib/db_connection.rb so that they point to the .sql and .db files in step 1 and 2.
  4. Write a Ruby file (.rb) to define the models and set up the associations.
  5. In irb or pry, load the .rb file and you are good to go!

Future Work

  1. Write where so that it is lazy and stackable. Implement a Relation class.
  2. Validation methods/validator class.
  3. has_many :through
    • This should handle both belongs_to => has_many and has_many => belongs_to.
  4. Write an includes method that does pre-fetching.
  5. joins


An Active Record­-inspired object­-relational mapping (ORM) library in Ruby


Language:Ruby 100.0%