davidbrochart / jupyter-server-nbmodel

Jupyter Server NbModel

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Github Actions Status Binder

A Jupyter Server extension to execute code cell from the server.


  • Jupyter Server


To install the extension, execute:

pip install jupyter_server_nbmodel


To remove the extension, execute:

pip uninstall jupyter_server_nbmodel


If you are seeing the frontend extension, but it is not working, check that the server extension is enabled:

jupyter server extension list

How does it works

Generic case

Execution of a Python code snippet: print("hello")

    Frontend->>+Server: POST /api/kernels/<id>/execute
    Server->>+ExecutionStack: Create asyncio.Task
    ExecutionStack->>Kernel: Execute request msg
    activate Kernel
    ExecutionStack-->>Server: Task uid
    Server-->>-Frontend: Returns task uid
    loop Running
        Kernel->>Shared Document: Add output
        Shared Document->>Frontend: Document update
    loop While status is 202
        Frontend->>+Server: GET /api/kernels/<id>/requests/<uid>
        Server->>ExecutionStack: Get task result
        ExecutionStack-->>Server: null
        Server-->>-Frontend: Request status 202
    Kernel-->>ExecutionStack: Execution reply
    deactivate Kernel
    Frontend->>+Server: GET /api/kernels/<id>/requests/<uid>
    Server->>ExecutionStack: Get task result
    ExecutionStack-->>Server: Result
    Server-->>-Frontend: Status 200 & result

With input case

Execution of a Python code snippet: input("Age:")

    Frontend->>+Server: POST /api/kernels/<id>/execute
    Server->>+ExecutionStack: Create asyncio.Task
    ExecutionStack->>Kernel: Execute request msg
    activate Kernel
    ExecutionStack-->>Server: Task uid
    Server-->>-Frontend: Returns task uid
    loop Running
        Kernel->>Shared Document: Add output
        Shared Document->>Frontend: Document update
    loop While status is 202
        Frontend->>+Server: GET /api/kernels/<id>/requests/<uid>
        Server->>ExecutionStack: Get task result
        ExecutionStack-->>Server: null
        Server-->>-Frontend: Request status 202
    Kernel->>ExecutionStack: Set pending input
    Frontend->>+Server: GET /api/kernels/<id>/requests/<uid>
    Server->>ExecutionStack: Get task result
    ExecutionStack-->>Server: Pending input
    Server-->>-Frontend: Status 300 & Pending input
    Frontend->>+Server: POST /api/kernels/<id>/input
    Server->>Kernel: Send input msg
    loop While status is 202
        Frontend->>+Server: GET /api/kernels/<id>/requests/<uid>
        Server->>ExecutionStack: Get task result
        ExecutionStack-->>Server: null
        Server-->>-Frontend: Request status 202
    Kernel-->>ExecutionStack: Execution reply
    deactivate Kernel
    Frontend->>+Server: GET /api/kernels/<id>/requests/<uid>
    Server->>ExecutionStack: Get task result
    ExecutionStack-->>Server: Result
    Server-->>-Frontend: Status 200 & result


Development install

# Clone the repo to your local environment
# Change directory to the jupyter_server_nbmodel directory
# Install package in development mode - will automatically enable
# The server extension.
pip install -e .

You can watch the source directory and run your Jupyter Server-based application at the same time in different terminals to watch for changes in the extension's source and automatically rebuild the extension. For example, when running JupyterLab:

jupyter lab --autoreload

If your extension does not depend a particular frontend, you can run the server directly:

jupyter server --autoreload

Manual testing

# Terminal 1.
jupyter server --port 8888 --autoreload --ServerApp.disable_check_xsrf=True --IdentityProvider.token= --ServerApp.port_retries=0

# Terminal 2.
KERNEL=$(curl -X POST http://localhost:8888/api/kernels)
echo $KERNEL
KERNEL_ID=$(echo $KERNEL | jq --raw-output '.id')
REQUEST=$(curl --include http://localhost:8888/api/kernels/$KERNEL_ID/execute -d "{ \"code\": \"print('1+1')\" }")
RESULT=$(echo $REQUEST | grep -i ^Location: | cut -d' ' -f2 | tr -d '\r')
echo $RESULT

curl http://localhost:8888$RESULT
{"status": "ok", "execution_count": 1, "outputs": "[{\"output_type\": \"stream\", \"name\": \"stdout\", \"text\": \"1+1\\n\"}]"}

Running Tests

Install dependencies:

pip install -e ".[test]"

To run the python tests, use:


# To test a specific file
pytest jupyter_server_nbmodel/tests/test_handlers.py

# To run a specific test
pytest jupyter_server_nbmodel/tests/test_handlers.py -k "test_post_execute"

Development uninstall

pip uninstall jupyter_server_nbmodel

Packaging the extension



Jupyter Server NbModel

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%