davidbfrogman / lb.product.api

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Leblum Product API

Implementation of async - await methods in mongoose and express.

  • Code coverage with Istanbul
  • No need for local MongoDB
  • Unit tests with Mockgoose
  • API documentation using Swagger


npm install

be sure to set the cluster policy on windows to RR otherwise your pm2 instance won't round robin set NODE_CLUSTER_SCHED_POLICY=rr


dev In one terminal

    $ npm run nm

In another terminal

    $ gulp watch

In another terminal

    $ nodemon dist/file-processor/file-processor.js

if you want to run pm2

    $ pm2 start ecosystem.config.js

or you can also run using the included script in the package.json. To see how it runs in production look at the Procfile in the root:

npm run pm2Runner

you can then monitor using

    $ pm2 monit

At some point you might want to try running pm2 to increase performance. At this point, doing it on a free heroku dyno is hurting more than it's helping. Change the Procfile to be this:

web: ./node_modules/.bin/pm2 start ecosystem.config.js && ./node_modules/.bin/pm2 logs all

load testing with artillery use the artillery.yml file. This won't work without authentication

    artillery run artillery.yml 

    // These ones won't actually work unless you pass in the auth token, but they're good to see how the config on command line works.
    artillery quick --duration 60 --rate 100 -n 20 http://localhost:8080/api/users

    artillery quick --duration 60 --rate 100 -n 20 https://leblum-vendor-api-alpha.herokuapp.com/api/users

If you want to actually start using TLS/HTTPS you need to turn on Helmet to prevent a bunch of attacks on the server: Uncomment this line in server.ts //app.use(helmet()); //Protecting the app from a lot of vulnerabilities turn on when you want to use TLS.

If you're getting errors on gulp build missing @gulp-sourcemaps/sourcemaps rm ./package-lock.json rm -r ./node_modules npm cache clear --force npm install


If you hit the root, you'll see how you can work with the api. the docs location etc.

Docker Cheat sheet

if you're constantly building the image.... you'll want to clean up the lingering images docker image prune

checking in changes to see automatic deploys working Take a look at the logs for a container. docker logs container-id

docker build -t leblum/product.api .

docker stop leblum-product-api

docker run --name=leblum-product-api -p 8080:8080 leblum/product.api

Removing a named container docker rm /leblum-product-api

Run it in the background---> docker run -d --name=leblum-product-api -p 8080:8080 leblum/product.api

Then you can stream the logs out if you want docker attach leblum-product-api

Did you get a segmentation fault on running the image? Maybe you need to rebuild the docker image from scratch docker build --no-cache -t leblum/product.api .

Deploy a stack from the compose.yml

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml lb-product

docker stack ps lb-product

docker stack rm lb-product

Show the status of a stack/service docker stack services lb-product

docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token=3a6f3017e9b0d2a38b1f4dbdaaa7815da0e419dd226bf266251d5454f0d03c7e testing-machine

Linux Cheat Sheet

To copy out to the server. You run this directly from a local console. Don't log into the server. scp -r build root@

Take a rancher backup docker exec -i practical_swirles mysqldump -A > rancher.dump

Copy the dump back over locally scp root@ .


Logging into a rancher created instance

First download the keys from the host. You go to hosts, and then machine config. Place the keys in a folder. My keys are stored in f:\leblum\servers\SERVER_NAME cd into the server name you want to connect to.

Rancher dev-luxor-1

ssh -i id_rsa root@

Rancher dev-luxor-2

ssh -i id_rsa root@


certs are stored inside the docker container that's running haproxy. For instance they are stored: /etc/haproxy/certs

You can see them by running a console from the rancher ui, on the load balancer container. dev-luxor->lebulm-load-balancer-container-> Where the certs are.

Hyper Visor Emulator With Docker

Turning it off

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

Turning it on

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype on

Environment files notes

So the environment files can be a bit confusing. Especially when you take a look through the docker file, and the client code base.

Here's the deal. The dockerfile builds all environments, and then we serve a folder based on runtime environment config. That means that at build time the client is built with it's related environment file, and then at run time we serve a specific client out through the express server.

For instance for development. The client is built using the --env=dev and output-dir=/dist/dev this will put a fully functional, properly configured client in the docker container, with it's related environment built into the codebase. The express server at runtime decides which client folder to serve out. This is deteremined at runtime by the related convict config for the server.

This allows me to have the best of both worlds. We can use angular environment files like they were designed, and we can still have a single docker file. So one dockerfile will build me all the client environments that we might need.

If you want to have the client live reload, and served out of the server, then run in the client

npm start

and in the server ->

gulp watch
npm run nm

docker cloud push

Text indexes in mongodb

At some point we're going to want to index various fields on the product table, so that we can allow searching, and that searching doesn't hurt performance.

Here's two ways to create indexes on mongodb ... which you can do throuhg mlab.

db.reviews.createIndex( { displayName: "text" } )

Or you can create a text index over all string fields in a collection:

db.collection.createIndex( { "$**": "text" } )

Obviously when the time comes we'll want to put a text index just on the fields that we want to search over, and not all fields.



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