david-nossebro / blog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


[] Change language to Swedish [] Add first page (or somewhere else) [] Embedd instagram [] Map from In Reach [] Introduction text [] Add link to "places" from main Blog page (button or link somewhere) [] Redo the "Contact" page [] Add email [] Add Inreach? [] Add Phonenumber? [] Style table on "route" page

[X] Netlify cms with images [X] Netlify cms with Google login [X] Register with google analytics [] Add about section [X] First working draft [X] Add about to netlify cms [X] Refactor gatsby-node.js and split into separate files [X] Make markdown types configurable (e.g. "blog" and "about") [] Break out graphql queries to a reusable util [] Look into graphql fragments and best practices for structure [] Add contact section [X] Add contact form [X] Add social media links [] Set social media links [] Style form [] TEST - Add way to generate 1000 entries and see how the site behaves [X] Refactor CSS to styled-components [X] Create component for "SocialLinks" on contact page [X] Create component for form on contact page [X] Create component for Previous/Next navigation in blog-template [] Refactor to use typescript [X] Add tooling [X] Refactor codebase [] Add types for graphql result [] Structure types [X] Structure styled-components so its possible to share common components [X] Add linting rules [X] For code [X] For style [] Plot blog entries to map [X] Add OpenStreetMap to new "Tracks" map [X] Plot blog entries with location to map [X] Fix zoom and location for map [X] Add map to blog entries with a location [X] Add support for "fullscreen" map [X] Add support for "flight picture" layer [] Fix so that blog-map works with geojson format [] Add support for adding plot to map in netlify cms (if possible through a widget?) [] Add support for plotting routes on blog-map [] Add support for multiple plot types on blog-map (e.g. Camp, View, Bath etc, idea is to have something pretty generic) [] If two plots are close to each other, they can be merged under the same plot [] Add popup viewer when clicking images (currently opened in new tab) [] Add tags to blog entries, use in SEO [] Add different styles for different kind of blog entries [] Adventure [] Gear review [] Recipe [] Show if a blog entry has a map [] Investigate support for scheduled publishing [] Add English and Swedish support (https://www.gatsbyjs.org/blog/2017-10-17-building-i18n-with-gatsby/) [] Find domain name (check if free on social media as well) [] Optimize lighthouse score (https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse) [] Investigate how to optimize google index - Sitemap? [] Add link to RSS feed (/rss.xml) and information about how to use it. [] Investigate ways to let people support (Patreon, Affiliators links to gear, https://ko-fi.com/ etc) [] Add commenting support [] Add search functionality [] Choose typography style - https://kyleamathews.github.io/typography.js/ [] Investigate if possible to integrate with Garmin InReach (Is there an API?) [] Think about how to add a "trip" and track it on the blog. (e.g. Distance left and Distance covered)

Add content

[] About [] SE [] EN [] Tools [] SE [] EN [] Contact [] SE [] EN [] First blog entry [] SE [] EN


For the map, add a section called "Follow my tracks" with a map. Plot all blog entries where location has been added. In the blog view if location is added also add a link "show on map".

Domains walkidiotwalk.com


gatsbyjs/gatsby#18983 -> Native TS support in Gatsby https://github.com/styled-components/awesome-styled-components


https://openmaptiles.org/styles/ https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Stylesheets https://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/

https://leaflet-extras.github.io/leaflet-providers/preview/#filter=Esri.WorldImagery -> Add image map as an alternative https://react-leaflet.js.org




Lantmäteriet med leaflet https://github.com/kontrollanten/lantmateriet-leaflet https://github.com/fredriklindmark/lantmateriet_wmts

vildmarkskartan.se - Bra domän. Idéen är en karta där vem som helst kan lägga in tips platser för friluftsliv.

https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-remark-numbered-footnotes https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-remark-reading-time https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-remark-lazy-load https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-remark-responsive-image https://www.gatsbyjs.org/packages/gatsby-remark-embed-spotify

https://gatsby-starter-bee.netlify.com/ https://www.gatsbyjs.org/starters/passwd10/gatsby-starter-answer/


https://www.netlify.com/blog/2017/06/20/extending-netlify-cms-part-one-custom-widgets/ https://openlayers.org/en/latest/apidoc/module-ol_coordinate.html#~CoordinateFormat decaporg/decap-cms#3489



License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 98.1%Language:JavaScript 1.9%