david-andrew / MusicalDL

Machine Learning: Deep Learning Spring 2019 Final Project

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EN.601.682 Machine Learning: Deep Learning final project by William David, Sophia Doerr, David Samson.

Results and Examples

Network audio results can be found in ./src/output. The best example is ./src/output/tuned/Danny_Boy.wav. Poster for poster session can be found at ./misc/presentation/MusicalDL Poster Session Poster.pdf.

./src/output/untuned is the raw network output. Currently the network has very poor pitch comprehension, so all of these examples are grossly out of tune

./src/output/tuned is the raw network output with an autotuner applied to correct the pitch. The autotuner was very rough, and so most of the examples don't sound very good. Best sounding example is Danny Boy.

Examples of spectrograms for the transformer step can be found in ./src/models/vocal_transformer


Create a simple but realistic sounding choral synthesizer. For the project the goal is to synthesize a singer with control over the following parameters

  • voice (e.g. the different singers in vocalset)
  • pitch
  • volume
  • phoneme (from a small selection, namely 'ah' 'eh' 'ee' 'oh' 'oo', and perhaps 'mm' 'nn' 'll')


Train a wavenet on examples of synthesized and real voices, while conditioning on parameters such as pitch, volume, and phoneme. This will produce a single voice wavenet synthesizer, which can then be layered with multiple instances, and controlled to produce a choral synthesis (control might be provided via sheet music, midi input, or some other musical interface)


(recommended to use Anaconda to install most of these)

  • numpy
  • pytorch
  • cuda
  • music21 (pip install)
  • simpleaudio (pip install)
  • librosa (only to run nv-wavenet examples)

Getting started

  1. Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/david-andrew/MusicalDL
  1. Set up the nv-wavenet submodule (for more info, see: https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules)
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Build the nv-wavenet repo (see instructions under "Try It" in https://github.com/NVIDIA/nv-wavenet/tree/master/pytorch) Note: You will probably need to adjust src/nv_wavenet/pytorch/Makefile line 30 ARCH=sm_70 with your cuda configuration, e.g. for my nvidia GTX 1070 the correct setting is ARCH=sm_61. See

$ cd src/nv_wavenet/pytorch
$ make
$ python build.py install

Test nv-wavenet with their example model and conditional data to verify the setup Note: On my setup, in nv_wavenet_test.py the line 40 samples = wavenet.infer(cond_input, nv_wavenet.Impl.PERSISTENT)[0] needed to be changed to samples = wavenet.infer(cond_input, nv_wavenet.Impl.AUTO)[0]

  • download model.pt and cond_input.pt from the "Try It" section and place them in src/nv_wavenet/pytorch
$ python nv_wavenet_test.py 

This should produce audio.wav which was generated using the wavenet

  1. Run the music synthesizer TODO: implement the synthesizer and write this section. Will probably have a command-line interface as well as an interface that uses https://github.com/david-andrew/Ensemble in order to perform the sheet music to synthesizer stream conversion

Notes and Issues:

  • for my system, all instances of nv_wavenet.Impl.PERSISTENT needed to be converted to nv_wavenet.Impl.AUTO
  • due to updates in pytorch, in train.py on line 143 loss.data[0] needs to be modified to loss.data.item()
  • make sure to use torch.cuda.empty_cache() at the end of each epoch
  • Issue with inability to use persistence: NVIDIA/nv-wavenet#40


Set up proper submodule installation for calling wavenet from the project. At the moment, its probably not the best idea to simply add the wavenet path to sys.path? Look into this later Set up my cuda install to be able to use persistent if possible

misc notes to clean up later

Notes for demonstrating proficiency in the project:

  • why you select design choices
  • how you approach solving the problem?
  • why something fails
  • changes you make to fix things that fail


  • create a choral voice synthesizer
  • be able to synthesize my voice
  • be able to create music that sounds good with synthesized voices


  • I can't record enough of my voice -> train network with lots of other voices first then train with mine to teach my voice and transfer learned knowledge to generate my voice
  • vocalset doesn't have enough data -> lots of data augmentation: splice, pitch-shift, amplitude-shift?


Machine Learning: Deep Learning Spring 2019 Final Project


Language:Python 58.1%Language:MATLAB 25.6%Language:C 11.7%Language:C++ 4.2%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Julia 0.2%