Dave the Pear's repositories
Added installation of raspi-config (since it's available now) and libraspberrypi-bin. Also it complained about /boot/cmdline.txt, so script now creates the appropriate file, if you're using the SD Card. I haven't converted mine yet to boot from M.2 so idk.
Backing up Kubuntu Linux. It's taken me a long time to figure out what's important to me for backup. Your mileage may vary...
port of the argon one case power button and fan script for Ubuntu 20.04 on rpi 4
Kubuntu and very similar for Ubuntu Server and Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi - it's my bash profile, because, why not? I did borrow some of the scripting at the very top, I do not remember from where or I'd give them credit. Most of it was from help files and trial-and-error. This was one of my very first scripting attempts, if you can call it that.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Ubuntu Server - I wrote this for an older Dell Server that I use
Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi - bash script written to monitor the number of files my poor Pi4 has in a camera's save directory, pause the camera's recording, and email me that a camera's gone crazy!
Works with Raspbian, Kubuntu and Ubuntu Server - Updating via SSH, auto open a tmux window and start updating...