davestrawbridge / dotnet-screensaver-control

Control Windows screensavers with managed code

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#Control Windows screensavers with managed code.

Windows screensavers are a pain to control - as in start, stop etc.

I realized this when someone asked me how to stop a running screensaver from C#.

All the examples I've seen use P/Invoke and a load of Win32 functions to deal with multiple desktops, SystemParametersInfo etc etc.

The trouble is, most of these techniques work on some versions not others, or only work if the screensaver is set to go back to the login screen.

I thought it would be nice to take advantage of .net framework classes (and WMI) instead. Sadly, still need to use SystemParameterInfo for some of it, as WMI appears to be read-only for screensaver settings.

Hopefully someone else will stumble across this and it will save them a bit of pain.

##Current status

Works OK (on Windows 7 and XP) except that if the screensaver is set to go back to the login screen, Stop doesn't work. I know how to fix this, just haven't done so yet!


Control Windows screensavers with managed code