davesmith00000 / sbt-welcome

An SBT plugin for displaying a welcome message and commonly used tasks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SBT Welcome

An SBT plugin for displaying a welcome message and commonly used tasks.

What is it?

Upon loading SBT, a welcome message is displayed with common tasks for that project. This is particularly useful for first-time contributors who are not yet familiar with a project and its build setup. Rather than leave them wondering "How do I run the benchmarks?", "How do I build the microsite/docs?", etc. you can display these commands on startup. Here's an example of what it can look like:


The bullet points are aliases (which are configurable), meaning you can type d and it'll run the 4th line item. The aliases are optional, but can be useful for particularly long commands.


Add the following to project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.github.reibitto" % "sbt-welcome" % "0.2.2")


You can type welcome to re-print the welcome message (rather than reloading the project).


An example configuration:

import sbtwelcome._

logo :=
     |       ______ _____                   ______
     |__________  /___  /_   ___      _________  /__________________ ________
     |__  ___/_  __ \\  __/   __ | /| / /  _ \\_  /_  ___/  __ \\_  __ `__ \\  _ \\
     |_(__  )_  /_/ / /_     __ |/ |/ //  __/  / / /__ / /_/ /  / / / / /  __/
     |/____/ /_.___/\\__/     ____/|__/ \\___//_/  \\___/ \\____//_/ /_/ /_/\\___/
     |${scala.Console.YELLOW}Scala ${scalaVersion.value}${scala.Console.RESET}

usefulTasks := Seq(
  UsefulTask("a", "~compile", "Compile with file-watch enabled"),
  UsefulTask("b", "fmt", "Run scalafmt on the entire project"),
  UsefulTask("c", "publishLocal", "Publish the sbt plugin locally so that you can consume it from a different project"),
  UsefulTask("d", "cli-client/graalvm-native-image:packageBin", "Create a native executable of the CLI client"),
  UsefulTask("e", "benchmarks/jmh:run", "Run the benchmarks")

logoColor := scala.Console.MAGENTA

You can embed any other information in the logo, such as the project version with normal Scala string interpolation like:

logo := s"Some Logo ${version.value}\nScala ${scalaVersion.value}"

You can also change the default colors like so:

  • logoColor := scala.Console.RED
  • aliasColor := scala.Console.CYAN
  • commandColor := scala.Console.YELLOW
  • descriptionColor := scala.Console.GREEN


If you want to generate a fancy logo for the logo field, you can use one of the following tools:


An SBT plugin for displaying a welcome message and commonly used tasks.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 100.0%