daveonkels / dropbox-mac-sync-toggle

An Alfred workflow to toggle (pause / resume) sync in Dropbox for Mac

Repository from Github https://github.comdaveonkels/dropbox-mac-sync-toggleRepository from Github https://github.comdaveonkels/dropbox-mac-sync-toggle

This is an Alfred workflow designed to toggle Dropbox Sync for the latest version of Dropbox (v 2.1+). It uses cliclick (a Mac command line tool for controling GUI elements).

Dropbox GUI Sync Toggle for Alfred

Credit goes to Giangvo for the original implemenation. Modified to work with Dropbox's latest GUI.

##How to install

##How to use

  • Type dropboxsynctoggle or dbsynctoggle to toggle Dropbox sync


An Alfred workflow to toggle (pause / resume) sync in Dropbox for Mac