davelopware / example-ts-mongo-express

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Example for TypeScript, MongoDB and Express

Simple example project to demonstrate basics of using TypeScript with MongoDB (via mongoose) and NodeJS Express

Steps followed for initial setup of this project

Node Typescript Project

Credit: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/typescript-node-js-express-js-create-a-backend-application-f5110dbe5c19

But yarnified by me

  1. git init
  2. yarn init
  3. yarn add -D typescript
  4. tsc --init
  5. yarn add dotenv express
  6. yarn add -D @types/express @types/node nodemon ts-node
  7. create .env file
  8. create src folder
  9. create src/app.ts containing:
     import dotenv from 'dotenv';
     import express from 'express';
     // load the environment variables from the .env file
         path: '.env'
     * Express server application class.
     * @description Will later contain the routing system.
     class Server {
         public app = express();
     // initialize server app
     const server = new Server();
     // make server listen on some port
     ((port = process.env.APP_PORT || 5000) => {
         server.app.listen(port, () => console.log(`> Listening on port ${port}`));
  10. add script section to package.json
 "scripts": {
     "dev": "nodemon src/app.ts"
  1. run the following: npm run dev

Mongo DB typescript

Credit: https://thecodebarbarian.com/working-with-mongoose-in-typescript.html

  1. install mongoose for accessing mongodb and body-parser for instant json handling

    yarn add body-parser
    yarn add mongoose
    yarn add -D @types/mongoose
  2. Use models using mongoose to wrap access to MongoDb for typescript type safety as follows in src/models/bookModel.ts

     import mongoose, { Schema, Document } from 'mongoose';
     export interface IBookModel extends Document {
         isbn: string;
         title: string;
         desc: string;
         createdAt: Date; // lets typescript know about the field added by the Schema setting 'timestamps: true'
         updatedAt: Date; // lets typescript know about the field added by the Schema setting 'timestamps: true'
     const BookSchema:Schema = new Schema(
             isbn: {
                 type: String,
                 required: true,
                 unique: true,
             title: {
                 type: String,
                 required: true,
             desc: {
                 type: String,
                 required: true,
             timestamps: true  // this adds the createdAt & updatedAt fields
     const BookModel = mongoose.model<IBookModel>('book', BookSchema);
     export default BookModel;
  3. Implement routes to turn api calls into model manipulations in src/routes/bookRoutes.ts

     import express from 'express';
     import BookModel, { IBookModel } from '../models/bookModel';
     import { getJustFields } from './routeHelpers';
     const router = express.Router();
     const inFields = [
     const outFields = [
     router.get('/api/books', async (req, res) => {
         const books: Array<IBookModel> = await BookModel.find({});
         return res.send(books.map((rec) => getJustFields(rec,outFields)));
     router.get('/api/books/:isbn', async (req, res) => {
         const isbn:string = req.params.isbn;
         const book = await BookModel.findOne({isbn});
         return res.send(getJustFields(book,outFields));
     router.post('/api/books', async (req, res) => {
         const book = new BookModel(getJustFields(req.body,inFields));
         await book.save();
         return res.status(201).send(getJustFields(book, outFields));
     router.patch('/api/books/:isbn', async (req, res) => {
         const isbn:string = req.params.isbn;
         await BookModel.update(
         const bookAfter = await BookModel.findOne({isbn});
         if (bookAfter === undefined) {
             return res.status(404).send();
         } else {
             return res.status(201).send(bookAfter);
     export { router as bookRouter };

    Note Exception handling is needed in here!

  4. Implement the helper method used to simplify limiting the fields read and returned in src/routes/routeHelpers.ts

     export function getJustFields(obj:any, keys:string[]) {
         return keys.reduce((a:any, c:string) => ({ ...a, [c]: obj[c] }), {});

    Note: this is a variation on a neat little routine I found on stackoverflow from Muhammet Enginar

    Credit: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35939289/how-to-destructure-into-dynamically-named-variables-in-es6/47916931#47916931

  5. Fold all of that into the application by updating app.ts

     import mongoose from 'mongoose';
     import { json } from 'body-parser';
     import { bookRouter } from './routes/bookRoutes';
     class App {
         public exp = express();
         constructor() {
             dotenv.config({path: '.env'});
         public serverListen() {
             const port = process.env.APP_PORT || 5000;
             // make server listen on some port
             this.exp.listen(port, () => {
                 console.log(`> Listening on port ${port}`);
         public mongooseConnect() {
             const connectstr = process.env.MONGODB || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/envmissing';
             mongoose.connect(connectstr, {
                 useCreateIndex: true,
                 useNewUrlParser: true,
                 useUnifiedTopology: true
             }, () => {
                 console.log('> connected to database');
     const app = new App();



Language:TypeScript 98.0%Language:Shell 2.0%