davb / minimalistic-boilerplate-ruby

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Minimalistic web app template

One-file backend, one-file frontend

Backed by Sinatra and optionally Grape for APIs.

Single-page client app with Backbone.js and Bootstrap.

Great for demos and quick hacking. Production use at your own risk.

What you get


  • Sinatra and Grape
  • Unicorn server
  • ActiveRecord
  • Ready to deploy on Heroku
  • Database migrations with rake db:migrate
  • A Rails-like console with rake console


  • Bootstrap
  • Backbone.js
  • Lo-dash
  • jQuery

What you don't get (by design)

  • A testing framework (but it's easy to add if you need one)
  • Well-organized models, views, controllers, presenters...
  • CoffeeScript. Just good old Javascript straight into views/index.erb.
  • LESS or SASS. And guess where your CSS goes?


Create an .env file with the following:

# the URL of your application database

Run with foreman:

$ foreman start -p 5000


The two files

All the frontend stuff goes in views/index.erb

All the backend stuff goes in app.rb. The root route should render index.erb which loads your single-page app, and other routes should expose a JSON api that the app talks to.

Rake tasks

Remember to always run these with foreman, or your environment variables will be ignored: foreman run rake task_name

  • rake db:migrate and rake db:rollback run database migrations, à-la Rails

  • rake console opens a shell into the app, just like rails console

  • rake routes lists the routes exposed by the App



Language:JavaScript 93.6%Language:Ruby 5.6%Language:HTML 0.8%